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President, Obama’s Carbon emission plan blocked by US Supreme Court

Washington : The Federal regulations to curb carbon dioxide emissions mainly from the power plants having adopted coal- fire method, is put on hold by the Supreme Court of United States which was also the centrepiece of strategy of administration to combat climate change.

This decision taken on last Tuesday, i.e. on 9th day of this February, by the honourable Supreme Court of US, is delivering a major blow to the President of US, Barack Obama.

The Court has reacted on the challenge against the rule which was brought by 27 states and various companies and business groups, also there was a claim to block the Clean Power Plan of Environmental Protection Agency. And notably, the Supreme Court has voted 5-4 along ideological lines for granting the requests.

Thus, it is now well settled that till the battle in the court continues in relation to the matter, the regulations will not be in effect and its effect is now suspended by this move.

With the said decision of the Supreme Court, as per the statements released from White House on said Tuesday night, it is seems disagree, however, it is said expecting the survival of the rule in the concerned legal challenge.

Also, as per White house’s statements, the Environment Protection Agency will continue to work with the states which are still wanting to co- operate. And also, the same of course continue to take aggressive steps to reduce carbon emissions.

Notably, the plan was designed to reduce the emission of carbon by 2030 from power plants of United States to 32 per cents below 2005 levels. However, as per Supreme Court, the rule of Environmental Protection Agency of US seems doubtful on its long- term.

The efforts where the blocking of the plan of the Obama Administration were sought, were launched in the month of October, last year. And as per states opinion and contentions, the emissions curbs would have a devastating impact on their economies.

Also, the decision of the Court would be meant that as Obama leaving the office in the month of January, 2017, the next President will have a chance to decide the status of the regulations.