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Women entry to Sabrimala: ‘Happy to Bleed’ student activists moved Supreme Court

The controversial temple entry issue including the acclaimed Sabarimala, holy place of Kerala took another turn on Monday. The ‘Happy to Bleed’ campaign students moved the Supreme Court, asking how ladies can be oppressed and banned from venerating on the ground of a “healthy and biological” procedure of monthly cycle.

The honorable apex court is now listening to the petition against the ban in which the campaign members argued to be made a party. They have appointed the senior attorney and previous Additional Solicitor General Indira Jaising to contend for them.

This holy temple Sbarimala in Kerala is loved by a substantial portion of the Hindu populace. The Travancore Devaswom Board administration asserts that, as a customary practice, for about half a century ladies aged between 10 to 50 are restricted from entry to temple due to this biological process. This ban has likewise been classified in Kerala Hindu Places of Public Worship (Authorisation of Entry) Rules, 1965. Moreover, the High Court Kerala had upheld the rules and permitted the Devaswom Board to implement the ban

The said campaign is propelled against menstrual taboos, and sexism that ladies are liable to through it. It recognizes menstruation cycle as natural process which doesn’t need any windows to hide behind. The student activists asked the Suipreme Court whether the cutting edge society ought to keep on holding on for “menstrual discrimination” when the Constitution guarantees right to equity and well-being of women to accomplish gender equality. “One of the primary objectives of our campaign is fighting against menstrual discriminatory practices, specifically the practice of Sabarimala temple of denying entry to women and girls between 10-50 years which leads to stigma and shame based on gender and violation of women’s rights,” they said.

Adv. Mikky Sudhakaran