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Indian- American Judge- Srinivasan is one among Three judges being vetted

Sri Srinivasan and Merrick B. Garland, the federal appellate judges in United States are being vetted by the US President Barack Obama as potential nominees for a Supreme Court Vacancy that has set off a brutal election- year fight.

These federal appellate judges have enjoyed substantial support from Republican in the past. Now, the background examinations are considering by the FBI of these two judges, as stated by the person knowledgeable about the process.

Moreover, another 45 years old federal trial judge- Ketanji Brown Jackson is also being vetted by the White House, as stated in the National Law Journal, and cited a lawyer who was interviewed by the FBI. After serving on the United States Sentencing Commission, Ms. Jackson is related by marriage to the House Speaker, Paul D. Rayan, Republican of Wisconsin.

Moreover, the President- Obama was also reported to also be vetting another federal appeals court judge- Jane L. Kelly. The reports have been published in the New York Times. Notably, the 49 years old- Padmanabhan Srikanth ‘Sri’ Srinivasan, is currently serving as the United States Circuit Judge of the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ? Thus, his chances are many as many call it as a stepping stone to the Supreme Court.

The Indian- American judge- Srinivasan is also considered as a favourite of President- Obama, who called him a trailblazer, however, also his nominations was confirmed by a record 97-0 votes. He also was sworn- in as judge of the second- most powerful court of United States on 26th day of September, 2013 and he was/ is the first Indian- American who is to be on the bench of the US Courts of Appeal for the District of Columbia Circuit. Moreover, notably, Mr. Srinivasan and Mr. Kelly were confirmed by the Senate in the year 2013, unanimously.

So as to the candidature of the Srinivasan, the Retired Supreme Court justice- Sandra Day O’Connor called him fair, faultless and fabulous. Thus, a man who began his legal career by serving as a law clerk is now ranked in the list of three most vetted judges for filling up of the vacancies of the Supreme Court of United States.

 Adv. Faim Khalilkhan Pathan

See Also: India Born Sri Srinivasan may become the next Supreme Court Justice of United States