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A Bill to Stop reopening of dance bars in State will be introduced in budget session: Maharashtra CM, Devendra Fadnavis

Mumbai: The Bill to stop the reopening of the dance bars will be introduced during the budget session of the State Legislature which beginning here tomorrow, as stated by the Chief Minister of Maharashtra State- Devendra Fadnavis.

The statements were released from the side of Maharastra CM- Devendra Fadnavis yesterday, i.e. on 8th day of March. It was seen that the last week, the honourable Supreme Court of India has ordered asking the Maha Government to grant licences to dance bar owners. It was also ordered that the said directions were to be followed within Ten days after the Govt. comply with the modified guidelines.

Moreover, it was also found stated by the CM- Fadnavis while talking to the reporters on the eve of the Budget session, that the Govt. is going to bring a firm law in the coming Budget session, which will stop the dance bars from being reopened in the State. It was also sought to maintain by the CM- Fadnavis that their BJP leaders were in Opposition in the past years, and even then they were in support of bringing this Bill by Congress and NCP. However, he said now when BJP Govt. is trying to earnestly do something, the Opposition is playing politics on the issue.

It was earlier seen in this month (2nd day of March) that the honourable Supreme Court of India had rejected the several conditions which were imposed by the Maha Govt. in connection with the grant of licences to the dance bar owners and other guidelines in this connection were provided by it. It was stated by the Apex Court in its decision that the conditions on ‘installation of CCTV cameras and providing live footage to the police’ are to be modified and Court said that such CCTV cameras to be installed at the entrance only and not at the restaurant or performance areas.

Thus, now the CM- Fadnavis stated, while addressing the press conference yesterday that the 15 bills will be introduced in the Budget session, and also such bills along with the present concerned Bill and Prevention of Social Boycott Bill will be including.

Adv. Faim Khalilkhan Pathan

See Also: Supreme Court asks Maharashtra Government to response on its conditions for granting Dance Bar licenses

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