Ashok Singh, who is Bollywood star Salman Khan’s family driver, told session’s court by corroborating Khan’s earlier statement that he was at the wheel on the fateful night when the hit-and-run happened back in 2002 in which 1 person was killed and 4 were injured badly. Ashok Singh also confirmed that he was not given any money to state so before the court today as has been reported in the television.
The 49 year old actor Salman Khan in a drunk state had rammed his Land cruiser had crushed people sleeping on a pavement near a bakery in suburban Bandra and Police had charged him for the same.
In this 13 year old case the new twist has come when the driver, Ashok Singh told court that he was responsible for the accident and has felt bad that Salman had to go through all the trouble. He said that he was driving and the Tyre got burst and brake was jammed and so car went over the steps and people got trapped under the car and both Salman and he got out of right door as left door was jammed.
He also confirmed that both Salman and he tried to lift the car but they could not do so and thus he later called police and before they could arrive at the scene he went to nearby police station and narrated the accident.
Salman has denied his body guard Ravindra Patil’s statement that he was drunk the day the accident happened on 28 September 2002 and that he was driving the vehicle at a high speed. Salman also disputed that he ran away from the accident scene. But he did not deny that he was with his brother Sohail Khan in a bar before the accident and said that he had drunk water and had not ordered any cocktails as indicated in the bills that were presented in the court and he also confirmed that the bills that were made for drinks and food were not his.
Mr Khan who is one of the most bankable stars can face up to 10 years in jail if he is convicted for the accident.
By Sushma Javare