An interim relief was ordered by the High Court Division Bench presided by Ranjit More and Anuja Prabhudesai to Bollywood actor Deepika padukone with regard to the controversial AIB comedy show. The show was criticized by people from various sectors for the performance by the participants though it was labeled as comedy show or entertainer. Social activist Santosh Daundkar had filed a complaint accusing most of the actors in the Bollywood including Ranveer Singh, Arjun kapoor and director Karan Johar used obscene acts and abusive language in the show.
Deepika padukone had filed two petitions on March 2 pleading to quash the FIR s’ filed by the Pune and Tardeo police Mumbai against her and a group of people participated in the show. Counsel for Ms Padukone, Ameet Nayak submitted that she hadn’t participated in show and was among the audience during the show and Alleged act or use of abusive language wasn’t committed by her. The presence of her was only as a viewer of the show. The FIR s’ were registered against her u/s of Police Act, IT Act, Maharashtra region and Town planning Act. Section 294- obscene act in public place and Section 509- Act intended to insult modesty of women were also charged against her.
The Tardeo police had also registered FIR against 14 people including Tanmay Bhat, Alia Bhat, Rajeev Masand, organizers of the show, Jayantilal Shah and Ravinder Aggarwal.
In the interim order court had restrained city police to initiate any coercive action or arrest against her until the petition is posted for further hearing on March 16. The 29 year old actor is given protection from arrest till March 16.
The High Court had combined the two FIR s’ and directed the State Government to file the reply to complaint filed by her to quash the FIR s’. The bench had also directed State Government to file reply to the PIL filed by social activist Santosh Daundkar.
The same court had earlier given relief to other actors who involved in the show and were allegedly accused of using obscene act and abusive language. The HC had granted similar relief to Karan Johar, Ranveer Singh and Arjun Kapoor.
by Dhanya .R