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Anti-Human Trafficking body to set up by Present Government of PM Narendra Modi

New Delhi: A Ministry of Home Affairs controlled body to set by the Narendra Modi’s Government for fighting against the Human Trafficking, looking to the seriousness of the matters in that relations. The Additional Secretary (Centre State) to head the proposed body which will have a different and distinct wing for investigations and intelligence.

The Officials from Home Ministry said in that relation that, the proposed is for investigations of High-profile cases and also work for the enhancement of relief and rehabilitation efforts of the Ministry of Women and Child Development. It is proposed that the said body is to work with the State Police and Central Bureau of Investigation- CBI in its co-ordinational relation with them.

So far as the co-ordination of this proposed Anti-Human Trafficking Body is concerned it will be seen coordinating with certain other crime controlling and investigating agencies including the Border security forces-BSF, National Commission for Women, National Commission for the Protection of Child Rights and NHRC and also the agencies enforcing State Laws.

WHO- World Health Organization in the year 2012 expressed its motion on the Human trafficking as it has received increasing global attention over the past decade and the trafficking of women and girls for forced sex work and also to a lesser extent, domestic servitude, were the only focus of advocacy and assistance.

However, the Central Bureau of Investigation- CBI opposed the proposal. The proposal is not yet even so clear that how the proposed body will work and how the provisions in this regard will be put in the existing legislations.

Currently, the present nodal agency i.e. Central Bureau of Investigation- CBI is dealing with such high profile human trafficking cases either based on the orders of the Courts or on the request made by the States. Many a time this nodal agency is found failure in identifying the real offenders as was observed.

The cases found so serious, as the local gangs are engaging in trafficking can very easily transport or supply to the organized groups which nexus between petty criminals and organised groups are not often seen tackled by reason of less human resource, as such a need to have different body arose. There are many examples on this issue, where such human traffickers ever are found engaged in criminal activities or otherwise in hawala and similar other transactions.

By Faim Khalilkhan Pathan