Call for Papers: Udgam Vigyati, Indore Institute of Law’s Law & Management Journal- Last Date of Submission 15th May, 2016

The Indore Institute of Law invites contributions for Udgam Vigyati which is a Law and Management Journal with ISSN 2455 2488. The journal is peer reviewed and contains different contemporary issues that aims to provide good quality research works, book reviews, short notes and case notes which will contribute for the better understanding of various subjects of law and management. The submissions are invited based on original and unpublished research works. The journal intends to provide quality research materials not only for present studies but also for future research aspirants. The submissions should include main concepts, significant phenomena and study on theories.

The fee for publication is Rs 1500 and the submissions are to be made as soft copy in MS Word format to The last date for submitting the writings are 15th May, 2016. The writings shall be in the form of special articles which may on any topic in connection with law and policy and also articles preferred specially by the editorial committee. The word limit shall not exceed 6000 words inclusive of footnotes. ‘Law of the future’ is the submission related with any new bill initiated related with law and its research. The words shall not be more than 3000 words including footnotes. The authors may also write book reviews and comments related with any new or revised book on the topic law and policy. The words of the book review shall be limited to 1200 words including footnotes.

The authors must send their submissions in .doc or .docx format. The submissions should be accompanied with an abstract not exceeding 300 words, brief CV of the author and a duly signed declaration stating that the article is original and has not been published. The papers will be send to the reviewers for confirmation. The articles confirmed by the reviewers only will be published and others will be rejected. The footnotes shall confirm to Harvard Bluebook 19th edition standard. The copyright of the work vests with Udgam Vigyati. The contributors can clear their doubts by email.

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