It is a good news for the parents and their children who are studying in private schools in Delhi over the extravagant charges that might soon arrive at an end by a strong decision taken by the Delhi government in drafting an enactment to screen and control the collection of fees. The bill make proposal for the constitution of a strong regulatory panel headed by retired judicial member to choose and monitor the fee structure demanded by the non- public schools. As per the proposed bill, it makes required for all private schools, proposing a fee raise, to present their recommendations to the said panel and also adhere to its decision.
Last year the Directorate of Education has also filed an affidavit before the Hon,ble Delhi High Court regarding the formation and modalities of the said enactment. It was a response on the part of the Delhi government where petitions was filed by the “Justice for All” an NGO and other NGOs seeking for a regulatory frame work in relation to fee structure by Private Management Schools in Delhi. An Advisory committee headed by Justice AnilDev Singh was recommended by the Hon’ble High Court to study and examine on the subject of the tuition fee hike by the private schools. Based on the report the Court directed the Government of Delhi to coordinate and draft law in this respect.
The Government had taken The Fee Regulation Act of Tamilnadu as the model law which was passed in the year 2009 and later corroborated by the Supreme Court. But there is no such empowering provision under the Delhi School Education Act, 1973 to constitute such an administrative body and as such need to amend the Act and tenets, opined by the Law Department of Delhi Government. Also makes it obligatory for private unaided schools to take prior endorsement of the government before raising the fee. Moreover the education department has of the opinion that the Court’s direction were also being analyzed to control and regulate the fee structure. The said Bill may soon be presented in the next session of the Delhi Assembly.
by Mikky Sudhakaran.