FICCI conducts Online Certificate Course on Competition Law & Intellectual Property Rights, Last Date for Registration15th February, 2016

The Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) has been conducting Online Certificate Course on Competition Law & Intellectual Property Rights since five years. The main aim of the course is to impart knowledge to the students as well as other professionals to study about complicated legal environment when working in multinational companies. During the course, the students get the opportunity to go through various case studies, legal concepts etc. This online course will help the students to get advanced knowledge on Intellectual Property and Competition Law.

The online course will be conducted in two stages. First stage will be issuing of study materials and interaction of the students with IP expert and other participants in the FORUM. The IP experts will clarify the doubts raised by the students. The exam will be conducted online and certificate will be issued. From the students, the top scorers will get the chance to undergo internship under the FICCI IPR Division. Moreover, the participants shall be allowed to participate in the events conducted by the FICCI-IPR division. The study materials for the course are prepared by IP experts and the modules are industry oriented. The Participants will also be provided with weekly updates.

The main topic includes Introduction to Global Competition Laws (Anti-Trust), Competition Laws in India, Main Features of Indian Competition Law, IPRs for Businesses, Common Goals of IPRs and Competition Laws; Conflict between IPRs and Competition Law, resolving conflict between IPRs and Competition Laws, Resolving conflicts for Patents, Trademarks, IPR Licensing, Model Contracts and Case Studies. The law students, advocates, professionals and Company Secretary students are eligible to apply for the course. The two courses include:

1. Online Certificate Course on Competition Law & Intellectual Property Rights

2. Online Certificate Course on Intellectual Property Rights

The Online Certificate Course on Competition Law & Intellectual Property Rights (IPComp) is an advanced course that enables the students to study Competition Law and also the challenges in IP in the corporations when their functions are being expanded to other areas as well. From this session, the FICCI has also introduced “Essential Patents” as the new module. The duration of the course is two months starting from February and ending on April, 2016. The fee to be paid is Rs 5500 for students, Rs 7000 for industry professionals and Rs 7000 for others. The registration shall be completed within February 15, 2016.

For Registration: Click Here

For more deatails contact:

Ms. Vedika Sidhu
Research Associate and course coordinator
Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI)
Federation House, Tansen Marg,
New Delhi- 110 001