On Thursday, the hon’ble High Court of Kerala ruled that the deprivation of the fundamental wants and other needs of the tribal people in Attappady cannot be recognized. The Bench consisted of Chief Justice Ashok Bhushan and Justice A M Shaffique. The Court was expressing its opinion when deciding the petition filed by a group of people regarding Attappady matter. The petitioners alleged that there was shortage of facilities in all the hospitals situated in Attappady. Therefore the Court ruled that if the allegations are factual and genuine, it will specify the atrocious condition in organization of relief.
The Court also held that the tribal people are communally as well as economically marginalized group in the community and hence they are lawfully given the right to obtain the advantages given by the authorities and Government. The petitioner P D Joseph residing at Thrissur filed the petition before the Court alleging that in Attappady there is only Tribal Hospital at Kottathara consisting of more than 150 patients who seek treatment in a day. But the facilities are much less when compared with the number of patients. The beds are very less and we can see patients lying in the floor to get treatment.
Recently, the Palakkad district administration asked the Government of Kerala to get approval to erect two floors to the Tribal Specialty Hospital, Kottathara and also to enhance the facilities. The administration has pointed out the lack of transport and communication at hospital which is the fundamental grounds for the deterioration of the conditions of hospital. It also asked for the approval of 2 crore rupees which was already sanctioned for the health services in Attappady. The District Collector has pointed out that apart from the short of infrastructure there also exist paucity of doctors and technical staff. The augmentation of the facility will help to control the increasing infant mortality. A new scheme is also introduced including one woman who will be given training for one month under the department of health. The women should give first aid kit and shall assist to take the patients to hospitals.