Gauhati University was established under the Gauhati University Act 1947 in the year 1948. University Grants Commission and Government of Assam funds this university. Central and State government provides grants and assistance to do research and other activities in the premises. University is one of the oldest, largest in the higher education in the entire North East region of India and now it has completed more than 65 years since it was established. 26 January is observed as the foundation day of this university and Gopinath Bordoloi who is a Bharth Ratna holder has dedicated a lot to this university. The present campus was shifted from earlier one and it is functioning here since 1955-56. Main objective of this university is to revitalise educational leadership which transforms the institution of higher development of intellect and moral through self-development.
University Law college is located at Jalukbari in Gauhati University campus. This college is headed by some of the distinguished legal luminaries like J Baruah, Sarat K Dutta, Jagadish Medhi, Mukumda Kam. Sharma. Teachers of this college adorn both Bench and Bar.
Law department in this university was established in 1976 and the main objective of this department is to impart Quality legal education at LL.M, Socially relevant education, research at Ph.D level. Earlier to 1976 in North East India there were no higher level education in law and so a need of such an institution was felt by the people of this part of the nation and thus this department was started. Earlier only Prof. N. Sanajaoba, Dr. Haren Kalita, Dr. A, Hussain, and Sri A. C. Deka were the only teachers in the University in legal department. This department in Gauhati University has given more than 100s of LL.Ms and 20 Ph.D holders to the state. They have a very good library with more than 3000 books for reference to the students. The research area that is available here are for Constitutional Law, Administrative Laws, Criminal Laws, Human Rights, Humanitarian Laws.
For More Information Contact
The Registrar, Gauhati University, Gopinath Bardoloi Nagar, Guwahati - 781014, Assam, India. Ph: 0361-2570415 (o), 2674243 Email:
Head, Department of Law Gauhati University Guwahati- 781 014, Assam, INDIA Phone No : +91 - 0361 - 2700420 , Website :
By Sushma Javare