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Gulbarg Society Case of 2002: Supreme Court allows Ahemdabad’s Trial Court to pronounce Judgement

New Delhi: The Trial Court based at Ahmedabad is now allowed by the honourable Supreme Court of India to pronounce Judgement in the case of massacre in Gulbarg Society (2002). Moreover, the Top Court has required the concerned Trial Court in this court to pronounce the Judgement in ‘three month’.

Moreover, it was also seen in the case, on yesterday situation that Kailash Dhobi- the key accused in the case has moved for the a bail and he was found claiming in writing to the High Court of Gujarat that he would appear when the concerned Trial Court will pronounce its judgement.

However, the non- bailable warrant against the concerned accused- Dhobi was seemed to be already issued by the High Court concerned, when he failed to surrender himself before the police officials on 29th day of January.

Also, in this case’s relation, the honourable Supreme Court of India had extended the interim protection from arrest in favour of Teesta Setalvad and also in favour of her husband- Javed Dnand, till 18th March, 2016. This extension of the interim protection was seen to have been made by the Apex Court, in the last month, in the case of alleged embezzlement of funds for a museum at Gulbarg Society of Ahmedabad which was devastated in the riots of the year 2002. Moreover, while doing so, the Top had had also warned the said Teesta Setalvad and her Husband that they should co- operate with the investigation rather they will be arrested.

Thus, the said couple were found to be charged of embezzling over one and half- crore of rupees. And the said amount of rupees was collected for converting the Gulbarg Society in which people around 69 in number were killed while the post- Godhra riots in the year 2002.

Also, notably, the said key accused- Kailash Lalchand Dhobi who has been in jail for the last 14 years, was recently released on bail temporarily. However, he didn’t surrender the Jail Authorities even after the ending of the last extension bail period and he would have, hopefully, jumped the bail in protest against the lengthy court procedure.