Unmindful of the extreme barge of criticism being hurled at the government, by the civil society and hoi polloi, the government is exploring its choices for blocking the release and telecast of the controversial documentary ‘India’s Daughter’. The subject matter of the documentary is the December 16 gang rape that took place in Delhi and the after math. The documentary directed by LesleeUdwin and aired by the BBC in London, contains an extremely misogynistic interview given by Mukesh Singh, a convict in the Delhi gang rape case, to the film maker.
Even though the documentary has not been aired in India as yet, it is available for public viewing on the popular video-sharing website YouTube. As such, the Home Ministry has sought the recommendation of the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology on the procedure to be adopted in order to block the controversial documentary, especially on YouTube. The Indian Computer Emergency Response Team, has accordingly “risen up to the occasion” to assist the government in curbing the broadcast and release of ‘India’s Daughter’.
Dr.GulshanRai, who heads the ICERT, allegedly attended a meeting with the Home Ministry officials so as to deliberate upon the appropriate course of action to find a solution to documentary’s viral sharing on online media.
Earlier, the documentary was banned by way of a restraining order issued by the Delhi police and the Central Government as well as a simultaneous stay granted by a local Delhi Court. FIR has also been lodged against the LesleeUdwin, the director of the documentary, who left India on Wednesday evening.
by Siddhartha Singh.