Washington: Chandigarh- born, Indian- American, Srikanth ‘Sri’ Srinivasan aged about 48 years began to circulate as a possible replacement for the seat of Supreme Court Justice of United States.
The situation occurred, when the earlier Supreme Court Justice of United States, J. Antonin Scalia died on last Saturday. It is now seen in the list of the prospective justice to the said Apex judicial office of United States, the concerned Chandigarh- born Srikanth ‘Sri’ Srinivasan tops.
Moreover, now it is with the President of U S, Barack Obama, who said that he will fulfil his constitutional obligation by nominating a successor to the deceased justice Scalia.
Moreover, there are ample chances of this Indian- born American Judge to get nominated by US President as the Justice of Supreme Court of United States.
And if he will have placed as such, then this will become a great success for him and also it will make him first from his community who will get this success.
Justice Antonin Scalia who suddenly died on last Saturday and this incident has provided the obligation on the office of President of US, Obama. And now Mr. President can nominate this Judge, Sri Srinivasan as the first persons who will achieve this iconic stage.
Moreover, Justice, Antonin Scalia had served long as justice at the top court in United States.
Also, notably, in the post year of 2012, this concerned Judge, Sri Srinivasan was nominated by Obama. And this Judge, who came from the Kansas and completed his graduate from Stanford University in the year 1989. He was also high school basketball star in Kansas.
Sri Srinivasan now in US serving as Deputy Solicitor General and he was working on the successful fight against the defence of marriage Act. Also, he is currently serving as Circuit Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia.
Moreover, the family of this dynamic personality was came to the United States from a village in Tirunelveli in Tamil Nadu, India and now he is as such ranked in the nomination list of Justice to the Supreme Court of United State.
Adv. Faim Khalilkhan Pathan