International Negotiation Mediation and Client Counseling Competition by National Law School , 2016 from 14th-17th April, 2016 – Last date of Registration 30th March, 2016

The Alternative Dispute Resolution Board is organizing second edition of the ADR competition, at National Law School of India University, Nagarbhavi, Bangalore on 14th to 17th of April, 2016. The competition comprises of negotiation, conciliation and client counseling. Here the students get unique chance to experience a chain of dispute resolution methods at the same venue. In the previous competition there were nearly 150 participating teams. This International Negotiation Mediation and Client Counselling Competition is a joint venture of International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and the International Commercial Mediation Competition (ICMC).

The teams who win the mediation competition can represent in the competition conducted at Paris in 2017. For negotiation, the National Qualifier Rounds will be held to get qualified for the International Negotiation Competition. Hence the wining team can represent India in the competition to be held at University of Lucerne in Switzerland in 2016. Other partners are Young Mediator’s Initiative (YMI) and the Bangalore International Mediation, Arbitration and Conciliation Centre (BIMACC) who are providing technical support for making the event successful.

There shall be two members in a team for negotiation and client counseling competitions. The team composition shall be three in the Mediation competition. The last date for registration is on 30th March, 2016. The registration form should be send to before the deadline. The representing teams should not compulsorily participate in all the competitions. The registration fee for each participant is Rs 2500 including food and lodging. The registration fee shall be Rs 1500 without accommodation. For negotiation, the participants should have enrolled in a full time law course or business management or public policy course on or before April 1, 2016.

In the mediation competition, out of the three participants two shall act as advocates and one will be the mediator. There will be two participants from different institutions to assist in the mediation process. To participate in the client consulting competition, the participants should have enrolled in LLB or LLM course as on 1st April, 2016.

Important dates:
Last date for registration: 30th March, 2016
Date of event: 14th – 17th April, 2016

For more details:

send queries to:
Coordinating Member
Technical Incharge

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