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Karnataka High Court Made a Critical Remark Against Overvaluation of Jayalalitha’s Assets by Tamilnadu Officials

The Special Bench of Karnataka High court constituted by the direction of Supreme Court especially for the hearing the appeal of former chief minister of Tamilnadu J.Jayalalitha on the matter of disproportionate assets case gave sharp remarks while considering the appeal. Justice Kumara Swamy presided the special bench, today gave astute mention on the “common sense”, of the Tamilnadu officials who literally overvalued the assets accumulated by J.Jayalalitha that is far beyond the imagination of a person with common diligence. Justice specifically mentioned during the hearing that market value of one square meter of marble wouldn’t have rated more than Rupees 150/- during the year 1994 that was valued at an exorbitant amount of Rs 5000/- per square meter. At this point of remark he virtually questioned the common sense of Tamilnadu Officials in the calculation of the then market rate.

After the serious mention Justice had called for the production of proper documents by the officials concerned for the proper clarification of assessments made by them during the investigation procedures of the case. The assessment of the properties accumulated by other accused, Sasikala Natarajan, Illavarasi and VN Sudhakaran are also summoned to be submitted.

The genuine and shrewd doubts raised by Justice made the accused counsel to give proper explanation. After the remark by Justice, the counsel for Jayalalitha, B. Kumar submitted before the Bench that, there case against his client is the result of political motivation. The over valuation of the properties are done intentionally. He argued that the lower court considered the matter not considering the binding nature of income tax appellate tribunal orders that found the income and expenditure level of the assets by his client was within the purview of Income Tax Appellate Tribunal Orders.

Further he argued and tried to enlighten the bench to consider the matter that the overvaluation of the assets of his client was made during her imprisonment in Chennai jail. He alleged that overlooked or exorbitant valuation was deliberately done by Directorate of Vigilance and Anti Corruption where a valuation of Rs 10 crore was magnified to 28 crore at the absence of his client.

by Dhanya.R.