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Milk Adulteration: Supreme Court Directs Union Government to Alter Food Adulteration Law

milk adulterationThe Supreme on Monday directed the Central Government to make necessary alterations to the Food Safety and Standards Act considering the serious issue on the milk adulteration. The Court also asked the Government to make it a criminal offence for which the culprit will have to undergo imprisonment. The case was considered by Justice M Y Iqbal and Justice Kirti Singh who expressed their faith in the Central Government to make immediate measures to overcome the problem. The Central Government may either alter the existing law or can even formulate new legislation on the point, the Court said.

In addition, the Central Government was to prepare a status report within a term of four weeks that provides information on the measures taken with regard to the matter and file before the Supreme Court. The Court also preferred to give life imprisonment to the persons involved in the manufacture and promotion of milk adulteration. The Court conveyed its unhappiness for the inactive concern of the Government and directed for appropriated steps. The case was posted for hearing on 10th of this December. For the Public Interest Litigation filed by the petitioner, advocate Anurag Tomar submitted that the milk products available in the market are mixed with white paint, blotting paper, detergent etc.

The Court was expressing its opinion while considering the Public Interest Litigation that was initiated for the purpose of directing the related State Governments to control the adulteration of milk and milk produces which is available in large quantity all over the States. This type of milk is said to be sold particularly in the northern states which is really a threat to the life and healthy conditions of the persons consuming such products. After hearing both sides, the Court came to the conclusion that the Food adulteration laws be altered or else the Government shall take initiative to frame suitable legislation on the point. The Court further stated that the six months imprisonment given to the offender under the present law was inadequate punishment, instead life imprisonment shall be imposed on the wrongdoer.