National Law University, Jodhpur is the leading Law School in India. The University is situated at the vibrant and colourful city of Jodhpur, in the State of Rajasthan. Moreover, this University has consistently being ranked as one of the Top Law Schools in India. This University was established in the year 1999 (November), by the National Law University Act of 1999 which was enacted by the State Legislature of Rajasthan. As such, the University is attracting the top quality students coming from diverse social, cultural and religious backgrounds from all corners of India. This University is as such offering admissions in the various legal study courses and for taking admissions in the undergraduate and post- graduate courses in law through Common Law Admission Test- CLAT. Moreover, it is also offering unique five year integrated undergraduate programs i.e. B.B.A., LL.B (Hons.), B.A. LL.B (Hons), B.Sc., LL.B (Hons.) to generate especially skilled global legal professionals. Also, the students here are studying law from all possible areas, like in Business, Trade, International, Domestic, Civil, Criminal and Intellectual Property. Also, notably, this University is offering LL.D and Ph.D. programs. And this National Law School is also taking pride in its eight centres of learning.
For more details contact:
Address:National Law University, Jodhpur NH-65, Nagour Road, Mandore, Jodhpur- 342304, Rajasthan, INDIA
Phone: +91-291-2577530, 2577526 Fax:- +91-291-2577540 EMAIL:- Website:
For Admission Query: +91-291-2577138, 5100713