National Seminar on E-Governance, Cyber Crimes and Cyber Laws : Contemporary Issues and Challenges by North Eastern Hill University ,29th April, 2016 – Last Date for Submission-15th April, 2016

The Department of Law, North Eastern Hill University in association with  North Eastern Council, Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region, Government of India has decided to conduct National Seminar on E-Governance, Cyber Crimes and Cyber Laws : Contemporary Issues and Challenges, 29th April, 2016. The seminar intends to provide a space for discussions on the important cyber security issues in the presence of scholars, researchers and other interested persons. The students will also get knowledge on the important provisions of cyber laws with special emphasis on cyber crimes. The committee calls for original and unpublished papers focusing on the main theme. The selected papers will be presented on the day of the seminar. The sub themes are the following:

  • Various forms of cyber crimes
  • Criminological explanation of cyber crimes
  • Cyber security laws and policies in India and of other countries
  • Challenges in enforcement of cyber Laws
  • Privacy concerns in cyberspace
  • Data security concerns in cyberspace
  • Issues regarding free speech on cyberspace
  • Protection of women and children on cyberspace
  • Crimes on social networking sites (social media)
  • Jurisdiction and investigation of cyber crimes
  • Cyber security concerns in e-commerce
  • E-governance and digital India
  • E-governance and cyber security concerns
  • Net-neutrality
  • Cyber terrorism and cyber warfare
  • International Cooperation in dealing with cyber crimes

In addition to these themes, the participants can also choose other related topics for their papers. The persons interested to present papers during the seminar should specify in the cover page the name and title of the author, name of the university or institution, title of the paper and Email address. The writings shall not be more than 6000-8000 words including footnotes. The papers should be send along with an abstract with 300 words. The format of the paper should be Microsoft Word Document, Font – Size 12, Times New Roman, Single spacing throughout the text. The citation should be uniform as per Standard Indian Legal Citation (SILC) style which can be accessed from Co-authorship is permitted to a maximum of two. The papers should be send to before 15th April, 2016. The subject line of the paper should contain “Paper for NEHUCLS” < paper title>. The intimation regarding acceptance of the paper will be made by 20 April 2016. The participants have to register early. The registration form should be send before 22nd April, 2016 either by post or e-mail. There is no registration fee for the seminar. Local hospitality and food will be provided by the organizers, but the participants have to make their own travel arrangements. However, the paper presenters will be provided with accommodation on twin sharing basis at the University Guest House.

For Brochure: Click Here

Important dates:
Submission of Full Paper with abstract: 15th April, 2016
Notification of Acceptance of Paper: 20thApril, 2016
Deadline for Registration: 22nd April, 2016

For more details contact:

1.Dr.Chintamani Rout 
 Associate Professor & Head 
 Department of Law, 
 North Eastern Hill University 
 Tel: 0364-2723801 
 Cell No. 9436336103 
2.Shri Shishir Tiwari
Assistant Professor
Department of Law,
North Eastern Hill University
Tel: 0364-2723811
Cell No. 9774048166 

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