School of Law and Centre for Post Graduate Legal Studies, ITM University organizes National Conference on the Protection and Enforcement of the Rights of Women and Children on April 24, 2015

School of Law and Centre for Post Graduate Legal Studies, ITM University have decided to  conduct National Conference on the Protection and Enforcement of the Rights of Women and Children on April 24, 2015 with an aim of providing opportunity to evaluate different national and international measures taken for the progression of women and children. The conference gives a platform to scrutinize the gap to be filled and to discuss on the need to formulate new laws on the topic. In addition, this legal conference invites suggestion from the participants to improve the present laws that exclusively deals with women and children.

From ancient times, many schemes and projects are being introduced for the wellbeing of women and children nationally and globally. But there have not been many changes in their conditions and this category of persons still suffer in the society. It can be seen that women and children remain in the group of vulnerable classes facing abuses. They are not in a position to earn livelihood and cannot protect their rights as others does. In spite of various legislations and international legal documents, women and children face discrimination and torture all over the world. Therefore it is very essential to maintain gender justice and equality and to fight against female feticide and sexual abuse.

Even during war times, the cases of sexual harassment and abuses destroy the lives of many women. Though NGOs and international organizations have taken efforts to tackle the issue, there are still such reported cases of exploiting women. The seminars and conferences in these areas will definitely attract the attention of the concerned authorities and officials to undertake measures to fight against gender discrimination. The legal conferences can urge for new laws and alteration of the existing laws to improve the conditions of women and children. Prior to the formulation of new legislations, the major issues and the reasons for such problems have to be identified. The organizers believe that the conference will be an opening for the students, academicians and researchers to address the issue and contribute their suggestions.

Theme of the Conference:

  • Educational Rights of Women and Children
  • Trafficking in Women and Children
  • Prenatal Sex Determination
  • Sexual Harassment at Work Place

The registration fee is Rs 1000 for students and for the co-author Rs 800. The academicians and professionals will have to pay Rs 1500 and the co-author has to pay Rs 1000. The organizers give opportunity for on spot registration on payment of Rs 2000. The registration fee should reach the organizers within April 10, 2015. Payment shall be either through cash or DD in the name of “ITM University, Gurgaon” payable at Gurgaon. The abstract should reach the organizers on or before March 30, 2015 and the full paper should be submitted within April 20, 2015.

For further details contact:

  1. Ms Srishty Banerjee
    • Assistant Professor
    • School of Law, ITM University
    • Ph: +918802162433
  2. Ms Pallavi Bajpai
    • Assistant Professor
    • School of Law and Centre for Post Graduate Legal Studies, ITM University
    • Ph: +918377088481
Contact address:
School of Law and Centre for Post Graduate Legal Studies
ITM University, Gurgaon

By Jewel Panicker