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Supreme Court Rescinded Centre’s Decision to Include Jats Community in OBCs Category

On Tuesday the Supreme Court rescinded the Union government’s choice to incorporate the Jats community in the OBC list in nine states for providing the benefits of reservation. A bench headed by Justice Ranjan Gogoi held that the focal government ignored the applicable components and gave a pass by to the statutory plan in concurring reservation benefits to a “politically organised ” community. The court opined that social backwardness was the most significant variable to find out backwardness but caste can’t be the sole determining component.

The hon’ble court alluded to its memorable judgment of giving legitimate recognition to transgenders and the government should now recognize that new classes that require quota benefits under the Constitution .

The pinnacle court had earlier rejected the request with regard to UPA government’s notification to incorporate the jats community earlier in march last year. Later the NDA government in its affidavit before the Apex Court contended that they had acted genuinely and for public interest based on ground realities. The Centre again asserted that they had taken the decision only after getting convinced with the report findings of master council constituted by Indian Council for Social Science and Research. In the Centre’s opinion they had not taken into account the advice expressed by the National Commission for Backward Classes as it has not sufficiently considered the ground realities and decided to include jats in the central list of OBCs. Likewise said that nine states have effectively included jats in their focal list of OBCs.

by Mikky Sudhakaran.