Supreme Court enquired the states whether the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (slaughter Houses) rules 2000, is being properly implemented. While considering three writ petitions with regard to prevention of cruelty against animals Honorable Supreme Court of India sought reports from states last month. The writ petitions were filed for the implementation of norms laid down by Bureau of Indian Standards with regard to the disposal of animal waste and ante mortem and post mortem of animals for meat consumption.
Pursuant to these writ petitions Supreme Court had given directions last month to the ministry of consumer affairs, food and public distribution to submit within three weeks whether the norms need any review. Currently Supreme Court had considered that the municipal corporations and local civic bodies are ignoring the welfare of animals and the provisions of the act are not being properly implemented. Several animal right activists have taken up the issue of negligence of the authorities towards animal welfare and prevention of cruelty towards animals.
On 2012 Supreme Court had given direction for constituting state level committees presided by urban development department secretary as the committees nodal officer to monitor the functions of slaughter houses is in tune with the provisions of the slaughter houses rules 2000.
According to the animal right activists direction of Apex court was not properly observed by the committees. They site the example of Maharashtra alone where the slaughter house conditions were at its worst, and the committee constituted in October 23, 2012 does not“compromise’ with the mandatory member from State Animal Welfare Board and two NGO’s.
Mr Kanakari Savadia, animal right activist and founder of Sukrut Nirman Charitable Trust, Nagpur focusing on the welfare of cows pointed out that the committees do not have regular meetings. More over the Urban Development Ministry ignored the direction of Apex Court to appoint two NGO’s in the committee. He further added that his nomination in the committee recommended by AWB was also ignored and the last meeting conducted by the committee on July 24, 2014 took decision on integrated action plan for effective regulation of slaughter house activities in Maharashtra. He reasonably doubts that it is not easy to implement the slaughter house rules around 350 slaughter houses in the State.
The Supreme Court will hear the matter again on March 27. Another animal right activist Mr Naresh Kadyan expressed his anguish stating that on the hearing on March 27 mostly fake reports before the court is going to be submitted.
by Dhanya R.