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Symbiosis Law School Unified With University College Cork for Advanced Legal Education

SymbiosisFor the purpose of integrating the research and practical training in the areas coming under law, the Symbiosis Law School, Pune united with the University College Cork, Ireland recently. On 5th November 2014, they have signed the Memorandum of Understanding to legalize the agreement. The partnership also aims to develop their activities towards the business fields as well. The fundamental aim of the project is to assist the students and the teaching faculty of the School to have more focus with the pioneering of new educational programmes. The Dean and Professor of Symbiosis Law School, Professor Shashikala Gurpur rightly remarked that the relationship between the Symbiosis Law School and the University College Cork will definitely advance value with regard to the cross-border learning, sharing of knowledge and have exposure among the faculty as well as students both at national and international level. As part of the collaboration, Prof. Shashikala has delivered a public lecture in ‘Constitutional law, human rights and the challenges of globalization in India’ on last October at University College Cork.

The teamwork will also give rise to formulate exceptional curricula and also most improved research techniques in different areas of law. The main focus will be on Intellectual Property Laws, Human Rights, Corporate Governance, Legal research, Information Technology and Environmental studies. The International Coordinator and Vice Chair, India Strategy Group, University College Cork, Dr. Christopher Shepard pointed out that the partnership will give outstanding occasion and prospect for the students to develop their knowledge and capacities. To become successful legal professionals in the coming days, the partnership will positively give essential methods.

The legal scholars are of the opinion that the legal education in India is facing multiple problems chiefly in the area of research. The move initiated by the Law School will have positive impacts on law students and the faculties with advanced knowledge and research tools. The Symbiosis Law School was constituted in 1977 that gives multiple law programs with research opportunities. It is one among the top law schools that offers advanced learning in the field of law. The School has joined hands with many other educational organizations in India as well as abroad. The University College Cork is also an oldest institution formed in 1845.