The Assam Rifle Act, 2006 was enacted by the Central Government and states that the terms that are not described under the Act shall be interpreted similar to that of the meaning provided under the Indian Penal Code. The Act provides that Assam rifles shall be armed forces for Indian Government. The Assam rifles shall be formed to guarantee the defense of the Indian boundaries for the purpose of performing counteract insurgency activities within the described locations and to function as per the directions of the civil powers to maintain legal stability and social order. As per the terms of the enactment, the Assam Rifle shall be changed in the specified mode and the terms of service of the persons coming under the Rifle shall be in the laid down method.

The general administration, regulation and organization of the Rifle shall be done by the Government of India as per the provisions of the enactment and according to the rules, legal principles or regulations formulated in connection with the Act. The authority and management of the Rifle shall be done by the official as chosen by the Government of India who shall exercise the powers under the name of Director-General of the Force. For the proper discharge of functions of the Rifle, the Director General shall take the support of inferior officers like the Additional Director-General, Commandants etc. Moreover, Inspector-General and Deputy Inspectors-General and such other officials shall also discharge the above mentioned duties. These officials are selected and appointed by the Government of India to perform the responsibilities as entrusted under the Act.

The Act further provides provision for enrolment of the persons under the Assam rifles and entrusts some duties and responsibilities to be performed by them to safeguard Indian border from the attack of insurgents. The members enrolled under the Assam Rifles shall be obliged to the Central Government and shall have the accountability to serve in the Indian Territory as well as abroad. The members of the Rifle will not have freedom to resign from the post or withdraw voluntarily from the Force without sufficient cause. Their resignation as well as leaving shall be governed by the terms specified under the Act. The persons coming under the Assam Rifles shall continue in the office of the force according to the satisfaction of the President. But a person performing under the Rifle shall be removed or discharged from service by the Government of India. But such removal or release shall be effected as per the terms of the enactment or rules and regulations formulated by the Central Government. Moreover, the Act confers power of the Director-General along with other officials functioning under him to remove or discharge a member from the force. The member shall also be reduced in rank by the Director General.

The Act further states that an inferior officer or any other official discharging functions or any person who has enrolled under the Act shall be served with certificate stating the reasons for terminating him from service. Such certificate shall be given when such termination is by way of giving up work, release, dismissal, expulsion or removal from service. The certificate shall be issued by the person in whose command the terminated member performs his duties. The certificate furnished shall be in the mother tongue of the person terminated. The provisions of the Act impose constraint to form association by the persons coming under the purview of the Act. The right to freedom of speech shall also be limited to such persons. Hence, the Act provides for the constitution of Rifles for India to safeguard borders and assist the other Central Government forces to carry out the functions. The Assam Rifles are positioned in specific locations and shall discharge their activities in the directions prescribed by the law related with the Rifle.