The Banaras Hindu University Act, 1915 was enacted on October 1, 1915 and came into effect on April 1, 1916. It was framed with an objective to constitute and embrace educational University with residential facilities as the Hindu University in the city of Banaras. The Act also aims to suspend the Hindu University Society and also to assign the control of the society to the University. The said Society is registered as per the provisions of the Societies Registration Act, 1860. The members and authority of the University shall have the status of a Company under the title Banaras Hindu University. The University shall hence have continuous succession and the power to purchase and sell off properties. The University is also entrusted with the power to litigate. The admission to the University shall be available to all students without any discrimination on the basics of race, sex, caste, religious believes and the University is barred from inflicting any such kinds of practices on the students or the teachers under it.
The Act empowers the University to undertake certain functions and authorizes the University to conduct some activities for the well development of the University. Accordingly, the University shall give education in different subjects as per the description of the University and to take steps for facilitating research opportunities and for the progression and distribution of education. It shall also take necessary actions to advance learning with respect to religious convictions, narration of the past, science and discipline, art and sculptures etc of ancient Hindu civilizations and development. The University shall conduct assessment tests and to give degrees and diplomas to students who have passed the tests in any of the branches of the University or from any colleges or institutions affiliated to it. The doctoral degree shall be granted to the students and teachers who have completed his research work under the rules and regulations or ordinances of the University. The University shall give special preference to women candidates who pursue private study for conducting research works as per the provisions of the Ordinances.
Additionally, the Act gives authority on the University to endow degrees and diplomas and give instructional hours to non-members of the University as specified by the University. The University shall grant funds, prizes, and scholarships etc to students as per the provisions laid down in the laws or Ordinances and shall give accommodation to the students who conduct study in the University. The fees and other payments shall be decided by the University. The University shall have general administration and authority over the residence and to control the activities of the students and shall take necessary measures to look after the health conditions and wellbeing of the students. The University shall standardize the activities of the persons working under it and carry out managerial works as well. The Indian President acts as the Visitor of the Banaras Hindu University and is assigned the power to conduct assessment through the persons designated by him in the premises of the University and its braches as well the colleges affiliated to it. The Chancellor and the Vice-Chancellor shall be the chief officers of the University. Other officials include the registrar, chief protector, deans of faculties along with the students, rector, librarian, finance officer etc. The primary authority of the University shall be the Court which shall select the Chancellor for the University. The executive and academic council shall come next to the Court. Thereafter the finance committee shall form the authority of the University. The Act also recognizes the faculties as the authority under the Act.
The authorities under the Act are empowered to formulate regulations complying with the provisions of the present enactment. The Banaras Hindu University Act, 1915 was amended by Banaras Hindu University (Amendment) Act, 1951, Banaras Hindu University (Amendment) Act, 1966 and Banaras Hindu University (Amendment) Act, 1969.