The Goa, Daman and Diu (Absorbed Employees) Act has been incorporated on 22nd December 1965. This Act has been established to provide regulation to the conditions of service of absorbed person. This Act provides regulations for service in connection with the administration of Union Territory of Goa, Daman, Diu and such other matter.
This Act confers enormous powers to the Central Government to make rules and regulations with respect to the recruitment and conditions of services of absorbed employees. This Act also deals in regulating the conditions of services of person working in Corporation.
The service of this absorbed person should be done immediately before 20th date of December 1961 mentioned in this Act and any person who worked later the date specified in this Act, in relation to administration of Union Territory of Goa, Daman and Diu, in any department of the Central Government.
These regulations are made retrospective not more than the date of 20th December 1961. In this case no person of any cadre in service shall be bound to refund their salary or any other benefits that arise due to his service as prescribed by the Act.
The rules and regulations framed will be discussed before the Parliamentary Houses within their thirty days period. Before the Parliament ends the ruling Government should make any modifications or alterations in those rules and regulations in good faith to enforce these rules and regulations in pursuance to this Act for the welfare of the absorbed employees.
In the matter of Repeal, any rules made under Section 3 shall stand repealed. Not only that, in subsequent to this, Provisions of Section 6 and 24 i.e. the General Clauses Act, 1897 as referred in sub-section (1) of the Central Act.
In case of any difficulties arise in making any provisions or any rules and regulations in pursuance to the absorbed employees and such other employees in this Act, the Central Government shall make such other Order making such rules or provisions necessary in order to remove such difficulties. The Central Government’s power to Order for removal of difficulties will be restrained within two years from the commencement of this Act.
by C.Srivenkatesh Prabhu.