The Hindi Sahitya Sammelan Act, 1962 was enacted and enforced on 28 June 1962 by Parliament in 13 year of Republic of India. It was enacted for Hindi Sahitya Sammelan to provide for its incorporation and give national importance to it. It has its headquarters in Allahabad.
Definitions are stated in Section 3 of the Act like Appointed Day, Prescribed, Sammelan, Society. Incorporation of the Sammelan has been explained under Section 4 of the Act. All members who became members to society shall continue to be so after incorporation by name of Hindi Sahitya Sammelan. It has its own common seal and perpetual succession also. Once the Sammelan is incorporated any reference to society shall deem to be reference to Sammelan. Property of society will be of Sammelan’s property, rights and liability of society shall be that of the Sammelan.
Section 6 of the act states about Functions of Sammelan like to promote spread of Hindi language, develop Hindi literature in India and foreign countries, develop and advance devanagari script, hold exams through Hindi medium language and confer degree/diplomas, to stablish schools and colleges for Hindi language, to award prizes to Hindi scholars, to encourage research in Hindi language, to receipt gifts, grants donations from government, to deal with property of Sammelan etc.
Section 7 of the Act states that a Governing Body shall manage the Sammelan which consist of persons not more than 55 as nominated by Central Government who are eminent Hindi scholars. All the powers and functions, allowances of member, quorum necessary, filling of vacancies are as prescribed by the Act.
First Governing Body which is appointed by Central Government after Gazette notification and its duties are all explained under Section 8 of the Act. First Governing Body shall consist of Chairman, Secretary and 13 other members as appointed by the Government.
Section 9 of the Act explains about the term of office and procedure of First Governing Body. Meetings to be held by First Governing Body and the members shall be paid out of Fund of Sammelan as prescribed by Central Government. First Governing Body should take over Sammelan’s property management, control and administration.
Section 12 of the Act explains about the rules that the First Governing Body has to make with regard to Membership, qualification and disqualification of such members, term of office, allowances payable, of the members, conducting elections, appointing executive committee, procedure for maintaining the books of accounts and registers, conduct prosecution of suits, matters relating affiliation of schools, colleges and other institutions to Sammelan, prize/award matters, control conditions of service of employees of Sammelan.
All rules made should be approved by the Central Government and a copy of such rules should be put before Houses of Parliament. Elections should be held by Governing Body within six months of its constitution within the provisions of the Act. Governing Body can be dissolved in accordance with the rules.Sammelan should maintain account and records along with preparation of balance sheet in a prescribed form. Such Sammelan accounts shall be audited once a year by Chartered accountants but no member of Sammelan who is a chartered accountant shall be eligible for this auditing work.
Auditor can access books, accounts and other documents of Sammelan while performing his duty. Every audit report done every year shall be forwarded to Central Government.
Section 17 explains about the rules made by the GoverningBody to carry out the purpose of this Act, but it should be done after approval from the Central Government and in a prescribed manner. Section 18 of the Act explains about any act of Sammelan or Governing Body shall not be considered invalid just for the reasons of defect in the constitution or in election of appointed person or any other irregularities.
Section 19 of the Act explains about the difficulties that arise while giving effect of the provisions of the said Act that can be removed by Central Government after Gazette notification as it deems fit.