The Indian Council of World Affairs Act, 2001

The Indian Council of World Affairs Act, 2001 was enacted on 3rd September 2001 and shall come into force from 1st September 2001. Indian Council of World Affairs is declared as an “institution for National Importance”. In other words, the act contributes in constructing International and Indian relation strong. It is a corporate body having its own identity which has permanent succession and own seal so that it can hold and dispose off the property both movable and immovable and can be sued or sue in its own name and all this is done under provision laid by this act. The head office will be at Delhi but with approval of Central Government it can set up its branches anywhere in India.

All assets and other properties, all debts, responsibilities, liabilities incurring out of contract, all amount or any loan taken, all suits or legal proceedings, is all conferred or invested to existing council and shall deemed to be council’s responsibility to look after all relayed work. Each and every person who is employee in the council is invested with all rights like pension, gratuity until he is the employee of the council. Council can add or alter service conditions of employee.

If council feel to transfer or do anything with the property then first he has to give specific such reason to Director General with complete description of all properties and asset and all agreements in related to property or any asset as immediately by council.

The basic object of the council is to promote the study of Indian and International affairs so as to develop a body of informed opinion on international, to promote India’s relation with other countries through study-research-lectures-exchange of idea or information, should perform as clearing house of information and knowledge regarding world affairs, should publish books-journals-reviews etc., in connection with conference-study or lectures taken to establish good relation, to study Indian policies towards international affairs should arrange conference and seminar and various other promotional ideas. The main function of the council is to undertake various plans to promote, organise, and implement various programmes on study and building relation of Indian and international body and should also perform such other functions directed by Central Government feel beneficiary for building good relation.

The council shall constitute a “Governing Body” which shall constitute with executive committee and will have all powers and release such function as the council conferred on them. The vice-president of India ex-officio will be termed as “Chairperson of the Governing Body”, and will have all such power and release function as given by provision. The entire members i.e., Chairperson, other members, Standing committee or emergency committee will receive such allowance as given in provision. There shall be chief executive officer acting as “Director General” for Council appointed by council. This Director will act secretary to Council and Governing Body also. There shall “Financial Advisor” to council from Ministry of external affairs. Once the parliament by passing law the Central Government with due appropriation make payment to Council on every financial year such amount as it may require to exercise of powers and proper discharge of function of the Council as prescribe by the Act.

The Council is required to prepare budget every financial year. It has to be prepared in such form and manner as prescribe by the rules showing receipts towards expenditure made and shall give it to Central Government with copies if and then required or asked by the government or as prescribed in rules. The Council has to maintain books of accounts which include statement of accounts and balance-sheet so that audit of same can be done with accordance to Auditor – General of India. The Council has to prepare a report it can be said as “Annual Report”.  This report will have various activities undertaken in last year and if required or asked for have to serve this report with copies to Central Government so that it present it before House of Parliament. Hence, this act takes India to another level in building good relation or maintaining good International Affairs as communication or wise study, discussion can help for all the betterment and thus so this act do.

by Samata. H. Joshi