The Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970

The Act is known as The Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970. It extends to whole India. This act will come into force in state once central government notify in official gazette, there will be different dates for different states and different provision. For this act, “approved institution means, teaching institution, health centre, or hospital recognized by university or board as an institution in which a person may undergo the training if that is required by the course of study before the award of any medical qualification is given to him”, “medical institution means, any institution within or out of India grant degrees, diplomas, or license in Indian medicine”.

Central government by notification in gazette will constitute a Central Council as is, necessary for the act and it will constitute, not exceeding five member by central government in relation with provision lead under this act, one member for each Ayurveda, Siddha system of medicine from each university to be elected from amongst themselves, such number of member not exceeding thirty percent of total number of members are nominated by central government who possess special knowledge or practical experience in Indian Medicine. President and vice-president for council can be elected among members themselves. Central government conduct such election and if there is any dispute in regards to election then central government decision would be final and binding. Any member who does not possess medical qualification is barred from being member.

Central council is separate entity in name of Central Council and thus possess perpetual succession and can hold both movable and immovable property with common seal and can sue and be sued in its own name. Central Council shall meet once in year at such place and time as decided, and quorum will follow by one-third of members and all acts shall be decided by majority who are present and voting.

University, Board or any medical institution who offers medical qualification as per second schedule is recognized to be medical qualification for act. Universities which provide medical qualification but not recognized in second schedule then they need to apply to central government to be recognized in second schedule. As per the provisions lead in act any medical qualification that is included in second, third, fourth schedule is sufficient to enrol on state medical register, and such practitioner shall hold office as vaid, siddha or hakim, allowed to practise medicine anywhere in any state, is entitle to give medical fitness certificates or any other certificate required by law, can give medical evidence if and when required by court as per Indian Evidence Act, 1872 for any matter relating to Indian Medicine. If anyone breach any rule shall be punished with imprisonment for term of one year and fine which may extend to one thousand rupees or both.

Inspector is appointed by central council to inspect any examinations that are held in any university, Board or Medical institution, but they are allowed to interfere with way of teaching or examination which held but instead shall submit all incidence in form of report to Central council, then such report is send o university that given by inspector so that they can give remark and such remarked report is then to central government. Visitor is also appointed by central council and he shall inspect any medical college, hospital, or other institution where medicine education is provided but he will not inspect examination that are held by university as it is inspected by inspector so then he shall make report of it and give it central council and such report is treated confidential unless so required.

There are certain standards mentioned by Council for qualification of medicine and copies of such standards are send to all university, Board, and Medical Institution. As, state medical register there is central medical register and such register has to be maintained in proper said manner, this register will contain all names of medical practitioner who are enrolled with state medical register and such practitioners possess recognized medical qualification. Central Government prescribe standards of professional code of conduct of ethics for practitioner for Indian medicine.

 by Samata. H. Joshi