The Indian Penal Code as Amended by the Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2013 Paperback – 1 Dec 2013 by Ratanlal, Dhirajlal

There are several types of laws in India and also can be seen in other more countries, and some of which could be seen dealing with civil matters and also rest of other could be seen dealing with the criminal issues. Thus, the laws which are dealing with the criminal matters are often seen very serious laws, as the criminal matters are involving the integrity of the state as crimes are always considered to be done against the state. As such in India, the legislation which is defining the offences and providing the punishments in relation to such offences, is provided in the form of code and mainly found contained in Indian Penal Code of 1860- IPC. Moreover, there are some other laws also offering for offences and penalties. But, the students, law professionals and other people who are greatly concerned with the law, mainly needed to study IPC first.

The present book is as such brought from the most famous authors, Ratanlal and Dhirajlal who were serving the legal profession and all those who are associated with it from the long back and there are about 34 editions offered for the book on the Indian Penal Code. The present book is 34th edition and it is also covering the amendments made in the year 2013 by the Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2013. Moreover, it is also discussing the wide range of topics like Jurisdiction in territorial waters, Corporate Criminal liability in offences having mens rea, New trends in punishments, community service in lieu of imprisonment, Fake encounters and honour killings, application of General Exceptions during investigations, Delay in disposal of mercy petitions, Mercy killing, differences between sections 304A and 304 Part II, Death Penalty and its Constitutionality, etc. Also, this book is offering great table for contents in which every chapters and its containing provisions are specifically headed so that the readers should get convenience in their reading. Thus, the book is offering all such amazing clarifications and topic wise discussions and also for references, it is also showing the mention of landmark cases, which offer convenience to the readers to easily cite the same. This book is also notably, pubished by Lexis Nexis, which is a group offering computer assisted legal research.

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