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The Indian Tolls (Army and Air Force) Act, 1901

The Act is to be known as “The Indian Tolls (Army and Air Force) Act, 1901″. It was enacted on 1st day of April, 1901 and thus extends to whole India. For this act, “carriage means, a vehicle for wagon or suction other then one specially constructed for use on rails”, “authorised person is that person other than officers, soldiers or airmen, who are employed by or air service in Force or Crop concerned on or such officer who in service of such office”, “toll are those which include sum, rates, fees or charge but does not include custom duties charged under Indian Tariff Act, 1934, octroi or town duties on import of goods or fares paid for conveyance of passengers on tramway”.

 All officers, soldiers, airmen, all members from NCC (National Cadet Crop), air force escorts, all carriage and horse while transferring under order of military authority who is employed, and such other government service employed authorities are immune from paying tolls. In such manner, any vehicles who carrying group and there luggage of local authority or horse and luggage of group at certain port are also immune from paying toll.

If any one who breach rules mentioned in this act is punished with fine of rupees fifty rupees. When any Local authority or owner or any such person assert recompense for any such loss which is derived while exercising Act then that recompense should be placed before Government and once it is brought before government it may pass order and give such direction for establishing such order and recompense.

 by Samata. H. Joshi.