The National Commission for Homeopathy Act 2020

Homeopathy is one most popular medical system prevails all over the world that is quite affordable to common people than the other costly modern medicine treatment methods. It is considered as holistic and theruptive system of healing through medicines that are not harmful to humans. With the extreme usage of modern medicines or allopathic treatments Homeopathic treatments were neglected to a large extent but with the realization of it’s benefits majority of people started to take resort in homeopathy recently. Viewing the continuous demand of Homeopathic treatment the Government of India had enacted The National Commission for Homeopathy Act 2020 on 21st September 2020 with 59 sections and eight chapters.

The act emphasis on providing world class high quality homeopathic medical treatments and Homeopathic medical professionals in the country that is quite accessible to anyone in the country. The act also ensures national health care goals through providing latest medical researches in homeopathy and there by producing competitive and efficient Homeopathic health care professionals.

Chapter two the Act states the constitution of Homeopathic Commission that can exercise its powers subject to the provisions of the Act and the Head Office of the Commission is instituted at New Delhi. The chapter also deals with the composition of the commission including search committee, terms and conditions of the chairperson and members. As per section 7 of the act the Central Government has the ultimate authority to remove chair Person or any other members. Meetings and power of Commission is enumerated in section 9 and section 10. The functions of the commission includes assessing the requirement in health care, framing of guidelines and policies for regulation of medical institutions and medical researches, ensuring coordination among autonomous boards, has appellate jurisdiction and can and can exercise any other powers to perform functions as prescribed.

Chapter 3 deals with the constitution and advisory council for homeopathy and section 12 deals with the functions of advisory council including enhancement of equitable access to medical education.

Chapter 4 deals the criteria for the entrance examination in medical institutions for homeopathy and there will be National eligibility cum entrance test for the candidates. Section 16 states the post Graduate National Entrance test and section 17 deals with the National Teachers eligibility test for Homeopathy subject to the provisions of the act.

Chapter 5 section 18 and section 19 deals with the constitution and composition of Autonomous Boards that comes under the overall supervision of the Commission. Section34 of the Act deals with the rights of persons to practice.

Chapter six of the Act deals with the recognition of qualifications granted by the Universities or medical Institutions in India. Section 38 states the special provisions to in certain or exceptional cases for recognition of qualifications under the Act.

Through the various provisions in the Act it is quite clear that through proper implementation of the provisions ensures adaptation of changing needs in the homeopathic medical practices and also makes The National Homeopathic Commission as an effective grievance redressal Mechanism in the field of Homeopathy.

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