The National Institute of Fashion Technology Act, 2006

The National Institute of Fashion Technology Act was passed by Parliament after receiving the President assent on 13th July 2006. In the modern era the place of fashion and its existence been part of day to day activities, need of certain Act relating to the fashion technology increased. There been a National Institute of Fashion Technology in India in year 1986 under Ministry of Textiles. Institute aims to provide the fashion related education to the people across country with specified centers. National Institute of Fashion Technology Act, 2006 enacted to establish the Institute with its wide objectives laid in the provisions of Act.

Act comprised of 34 Sections, Central Government by notification in the Official Gazette established a Institute under Section 3 of the Act and it known as the National Institute of Fashion Technology. The Institute consists of Board of Governors which consists of Chairperson, Director-General and certain other members who shall have the knowledge in the field of fashion technology

The Board to discuss its business strategies and transactions as specified in the Act meets all the members at least four times in a year and no member of the office of the Board of Governors have authority to disqualify its holder for choosing the Member of Parliament. Subject to the provisions of the Act, all properties held with the society been vest with the Institute after the commencement of the Act as specified in Section 4. Institute under Act has the major objectives particularly after enactment all rights, liabilities, contracts, person under the Society be transferred to the Institute.

Due to advancement in the modern era, Act laid certain functions to perform by Institute which improves the standards of fashion technology, the Institution under Section 6 carries certain functions which includes matter of promoting and implementation of programmes relating to fashion technology, conducting courses and examination to teachers and fashion technologists who nurtured in the field of fashion technology, organizing symposium, seminar and providing degree in the field of fashion technology. Board constituted under Act with the authority of the Central Government holds responsible for the superintendence, direction and controls all the affairs deals under Institution. Board along with powers specified in Section 7 (1) it also has extra functions specified in Section 7 (2) as it can take decisions regarding the administration of Institute, fix campus and fee structure in India and abroad.

Institution by following secularism provides education regarding fashion technology  irrespective of their caste, sex and creed and no religious imposition laid on appointing or admitting students, members and any faculties of Institution under Section 8, Institution should not accept any donation or property transfer which involves conditions and opposition as objection under Section 8(2). All teaching regarding fashion technology taught at the Institute should be conducted only in name of the Institute as specified under Section 9. President of India act as a Visitor of the Institution, and there shall be a Board of Governors, Senate and other Authorities constituted under Act to look after the proper structure of Institution.

The Senate of the Institution under Section 12 of the  Act consist of Director-General, Campus Directors, Senior Professors  and other members, Senate of the Institution have control over and make regulation with regard to the Institution in matter of standards of education, examination and Senate may however exercise function and duties laid  on to by them by the Statutes. Chairperson who appointed under Senate has the authority to hold and preside at the meeting of the Board and meet at the Convocations of the Institute. Director general of the Senate holds office for the term of three years and he shall be responsible for the administration and maintenance of the Institute and he bound by a duty to submit all annual reports and accounts to the Board. Registrar of the Institute acts as a Secretary of Board and Senate and other committees specified under Section 16 of the Act, Registrar has a common seal, and has responsibility to maintain funds of the Institute. Registrar under provisions of the Act as Secretary has to exercise functions and powers entrusted to him by the Director-General.

 For the proper functioning of the Institution, Central Government as laid under Section 18 can grant any money as sum for the upliftment of the Institute, and all the money made to the Institution by the Central Government or by any authorities shall be credited to the Fund maintained by the Institute under Section 19. Institute must maintain all accounts and balance sheets and the audit report should be forward to the Central Government and it should be  transfer before the houses of Parliament. All the employees under the Institution has the benefit of pension and provident fund. Institute under Section 31 of Act has power to grant diplomas, degrees any other academic certificates which should be treated as a valid certificate as provided by any other universities. Central Government under Section 32 of the Act has power to remove difficulties which acts as inconsistent with any provisions of the Act and it must expedite to remove the difficulty under the Act for the proper objective of the Act.   Act promotes quality and excellence in education and other incidental areas in the area of fashion technology. Act by its board and other authorities fulfilled the objectives laid under Act, Institution after the enactment of Act promotes many policies and implemented many programmes by conducting proper seminar and other classes to teachers. Art of Fashion not only has its wider space in western countries it also has the better space in India by enacting the  National Institute of Fashion Technology Act.

by Priyadarshini Chandrasekar