The Rajghat Samadhi Act has been incorporated on 29th June, 1951. This Act has been established for effective administration and control of the Rajghat Samadhi in Delhi. This Rajghat Samadhi is a memorial of Mahatma Gandhi on the Banks of Yamuna River.
The Objective of this Act is to manage the daily affairs of the Samadhi and to keep the Samadhi in an organized manner and to do such other activities that are deemed necessary for better maintenance of this Samadhi.
Inorder to fulfill the intension of the legislature of this Act, A Committee is formed to administer and manage all the activities of Rajghat Samadhi in a manner specified in this Act. This Rajghat Smadhi is a corporate body having a Common Seal, perpetual succession and any legal proceedings shall be in the name of the Samadhi through its Chair person.
This Committee shall be constituted with the head of Chairman and such other members. The other members were the President of the municipal committee under whose jurisdiction this or Samadhi is situated; three officials shall be nominated by the Central Government, Three non-offficials shall be appointed b the Central Government, Two members of the Parliament nominated by the Speaker of the Parliamentary House. The Central Government shall have powers to appoint any number of members or officers as it feels necessary and as and when it is required for better service render under this Act. All such person, who are nominated and are going to be appointed for this Committee should have held office during the pleasure of the Central Government.
The objective of organizing such committee by the Central Government in pursuance to this Act is to administer and manage the Samadhi in a best effective manner. Not only that such committee must look after the daily affairs including repairs and such other activities inorder to serve in a better manner as prescribed under the Provisions of this Act.
The Central Government shall make many rules at any time as it deems necessary by notifying in the Official Gazette. The Committee shall have the powers to make bye-laws and such other rules inorder to serve in a better way. These bye-laws or rules shall be for the purpose of deciding the procedural aspects of conducting the meeting, forming a qorum for transaction of any business threat. The purpose of appointment of such persons shall be for the best performance of its duty in pursuance of this Act. All the reports and Statements shall by submitted to this Committee by any other employees. The Bye-laws under this section shall be in pursuance to the conditions of the previous publications and shall get effect only on the approval of the Central Government. No act or proceedings shall be denied or held invalid just because of any casual vacancies or any lacuna in the constitution of this Committee.
This Act has been amended subsequently as and when the change required for better performance in pursuance to this Act. The said Committee that has been established shall also been reconstituted in the year 2000 and it was in force under the chairman on 31st October, 2001. The repairs and maintenance work has been delegated to the Central Public works Department’s Horticulture, Electrical and Civil Engineers Departments. In Later amendments several provisions shall be made in accordance to make improvements as and when necessary as it is a Tribute for such a big Leader. By the amendments in further this Rajghat Samadhi is properly organized in comparison at the time of this Act in force. Several new practices shall be followed for special funds from the public and such international funds for much efficient maintenance of the Samadhi. Not only that proper work sheet has been maintained by mentioning every days plan and schedules of operations and to stay open for the visitor who comes to make a tribute or to donate for Samadhi and some people will come for such beautifully maintained Garden. So, the intension of the Legislature and the Central Government is appreciable.
by C.Srivenkatesh Prabhu.