The Rajiv Gandhi National Aviation University Act has been incorporated on 18th September, 2013. This Act has been instituted to incorporate a national aviation University to establish and promote aviation studies and research to accomplish success in every part of aviation department.
The intention of this Act is to promote aviation studies, training and research oriented learning in all parts of aviation sectors. This is formed to provide procedural and well organized structure of academic and research facilities all over the aviation sector. This Act regulates in whole part of this aviation department for aviation history, engineering, safety, security, training, in governmental field of aviation, etc, for quality human resources and fulfills the requirements of this aviation sector.
This University has power to give instructions in aviation related subjects, humanities, engineering, etc, or even it can make several provisions in order to develop the research for the advancement and dissemination of knowledge. This University has the power to establish all the necessary infrastructure and structure academically, procedurally, periodically, beneficially for the promotion and development of education, training, research and such other concepts or subjects in related to aviation. This University has jurisdiction all over India and it opens for both sex, any races, any creeds and even for any classes. This University shall even make a special provision to open for women, physically challenged or such other restricted group of people except on domicile.
In brief they establish places for the institutes, colleges and such other places in pursuance to their functions in an organized manner, It provides honorary degrees and such other courses in any fields related to aviation and also provides Certificates, medals and such other appreciation upon completion of Course either distinction or in general, etc, It endows lots and lots of procedural assistance by providing well designed academic materials, all facilities, forming necessary Councils or such other authorities or Officers appointed for periodical supervising, control, execute, regulate, etc with the approval or assistance of the competent authority.
This University holds a University fund wherein all the funds from the Central Government, State Government, Aviation Companies or industries worldwide and such other funds in the form of donations, endowments, income of Universities, etc. These funds shall be utilized for the Universities as specified under the provisions of this Act. The President as a Visitor visits the University time to time for the supervising the works of the University and inquire and investigate the representatives of the University for any further assistance demanded by the University or if the President itself feels fit to assist for better functioning of the University. The President shall also appoint a person as a visitor and make them to hold the Office for five years or else if he feels necessary can even appoint such other person to review any matter that gains utmost priority.
The Executive Council shall disclose the matter to the Vice-Chancellor with regard to the Order or proposal of the President after inquiry and investigation and to be fulfilled as soon as possible. This Council within the particular time specified shall finish the requirements of the visitor in a manner specified. The President cum Visitor shall pass any such directions to this University after giving reasonable opportunity to the University with regard to the situation demands. This University shall consist of many higher Officials, Officers, employees who perform their delegated functions in pursuance to this Act and this University shall consist of several authorities like Courts, Councils, Boards and Committees for better control and to solve the purpose of enactment of this Statute. The Court shall constitute with the Teachers, employees, students of the University. The members for the Councils shall be elected from the members of the Court and such other efficient members as specified under this Act. The Boards and Committees shall be constituted with such experts and qualified members as specified under this Act.
The Annual reports shall be prepared with the assistance of the Executive Council and shall be presented before the Court and the Court in turn present this report to the President cum Visitors and the copy of such report shall be presented before the Houses of Parliament for attaining such approvals and assistance. The Account Statements and other financial statements shall be prepared periodically by the Auditor-General and the Comptroller and shall be submitted before the Houses of the Parliament after the consideration of the Central Government.
In case of any dispute arising in the University for misconduct or such other violation of provisions under this Act, through Arbitration proceedings or if necessary through a Civil or Criminal Courts for any punitive actions by any such person. Any aggrieved persons shall go for an appeal within certain time limits specified under this Act. No suits or any legal proceedings shall lie on any persons of this University or such other members for doing any activities in pursuance to this Act in good faith. The Central Government has enormous powers in making such rules and regulations and shall remove all difficulties that are inconsistent to any other law in force through alteration or making such provisions or laws subject to the approval of the Houses of the Parliament. This Act provides all needed provisions with regard to fulfill the intention of the legislature. In the year 2006 the Law Committee recommended the National Aviation University in India based on the detailed project reports by the Ministry of Civil Aviation.
by C.Srivenkatesh Prabhu.