The Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University Act, 2014

The Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University Act, 2014 (Act no. 10 of 2014) has received the assent of President of India on 4th March, 2014 and it was enacted with the view and object to establish and incorporate the University, namely, ‘Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University’ in the region of Bundelkhand (i.e. in Jhansi and Uttar Pradesh). Such University is to be established for the development of agriculture and also for advancement of learning and pursuit of research in agriculture and allied sciences. The Act also requires the declaration of that University as an institution of national importance as per section 2 of the Act.

Imparting education amongst the population is an essential duty of the State as being their rights by very nature of their human being. The Education is a right of human being, which develops his ability to think which is one of the most essential characteristics of human being. Similarly, education in the Agriculture is significant so far as agriculture in India is considered for the very early time as most important source of developing the financial structure. There are many central Agricultural Universities, which are mostly public Universities in India engaged in teaching, research and extension in agriculture and related disciplines. The Evolution of agricultural education in India was into a large and distinct domain. There are many proposals in pursuance with the demands for establishing more number of Central Agricultural Universities in India, the Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University is one them. Besides this University, the Parliament of India has passed the Finance Bill, 2012 – 2013 for budgetary allocation for establishing Central Agricultural University in Bihar also.

The establishment of University for the purpose of this Act, is provided under section 4 of the Act. Its headquarters are provided at Jhansi in Uttar Pradesh and campuses at such other places within its jurisdiction. Moreover, two – two colleges are required to be established in Madhya Pradesh state and at Jhansi in State of Uttar Pradesh, respectively.

Section 5 enumerate certain objects which the University should follow, including imparting of education in different branches of Agriculture and allied sciences, advancing learning and conducting research in Agriculture and allied sciences, undertaking programmes for extension of education in Bundelkhand in districts of the State and also promoting partnership with national and even international educational institutions. Similarly, the University is vested with certain powers as to given matters under section 6 of the Act.

Section 8 of the Act deals with admissions, appointments, etc., which as per this provision, is open for all persons irrespective of his cast, creed, religion, etc. The provision is important so far as it relates with the prohibition on discrimination. However, the section permits the reservation for those who are being scheduled, physically challenged, or socially and educationally backward classes.

The University should be visited by the President of India and also entitled under section 9 as to inspection by the person who is being directed. The Officers of the University are enumerated under Section 10 and the list includes the Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, Dean, etc. and other subsequent provisions are related to appointment of Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, Deans, Directors, etc. Similarly, the Section 17 of the Act deals with authorities under the Act, including Board of Management, Academic Council, Research Council, etc. and subsequent sections are dealing with detail provisions in their respect.

The Act makes provisions to provide Statute consisting of matters which are being provided under clauses enlisted under section 26 of the Act. Similarly, section 28 of the Act provides for passing of Ordinances for the matters enumerated under different clauses of this provision. Besides Statutes and Ordinances, the Act also makes provisions as to making of Regulations consistent with those Statutes and Ordinances. Moreover, the section 30 and forgoing provisions are dealing with Annual reports, accounting conditions of employees’ services, etc.

by Faim Khalilkhan Pathan.