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The Religious Institution (Prevention of Misuse) Act, 1988

The Act is said to be “The Religious Institution (Prevention of Misuse) Act, 1988.” It came in to force on 26th day of May, 1988. It extends to whole India except state of Jammu and Kashmir. For the purpose of this act “religious Institution means, an institution for the promotion of any religious or persuasion, and includes any place or premises used as a place of public religious worship by whatever name or designation to known”.

Any manager or religious institution cannot use any building which belong or is in control of institution for promotion or propagation of any political activity, for purpose of harbouring of any person accused or convicted of any offence under any law for time being in force, storing any arms or ammunition, keeping any goods or articles which are illegal, for carrying on any activity prejudicial to sovereignty, unity and integrity of India, doing any act in contravention of rules of Prevention of Insults to National Honour Act, 1971.

Any person is not allowed to carry any arms or ammunition in religious place as such entry with arms and ammunition is restricted only in Sikh religion wearing or carrying there Kirpan and entry in such religious place is allowed or any arms which are used as part of any religious ceremony as by customs or tradition prescribed.

Funds which belong to institution cannot be used for any purpose like for benefit of political party or any political activity or any such at which is punishable under this act. Any Religious institution cannot be used for any ceremony, festival, congregation or assembly organised in such auspicious place. If any religious institution breaches any of rules lead down under this act shall be punished with imprisonment with term of five years and fine up to ten thousand rupees. Person convicted in this will be removed from the office and is disqualified from appointment in any religious institution for at least period of six years from the date of his conviction, then such person taken to court and court is of opinion that such person has committed offence his all powers and duties are forbidden from using them. Person working in institution should furnish all required information to police officer as and when required and if he does not do so then is punished as per section 176 of Indian Penal Code.

by Samata. H. Joshi.