The Scientific and Engineering Research Board Act, 2008 was enacted by the parliament on 19th January, 2009. The Scientific and Engineering Research Board Bill, 2008 introduced in Lok Sabha on 21th October, 2008 by the then Science and Technology and Earth Science Minister, Shri. Kapil sibal, and was passed by Lok Sabha on 12th December, 2008 and by Rajya Sabha on 19th December, 2008. The bill was finally assented by President of India on 17th January, 2009.
Science and Engineering are the most important and vital elements of our nations growth. Every Country requires to satisfy certain elements so as to be recognized as member of International Community. Similarly, now a day’s science and technology are playing most vital role in development of particular country and their promotion has became fundamental requirement, which a country has to serve for. As such enacting such legislation which provides for promotion in scientific and engineering research by constituting Board has played role of blood in the body of nations growth.
This Act basically enacted to encourage Scientific research and Engineering development in the Country by Constituting Board viz. ‘Science And Engineering Research Board’. The Board was constituted by Central Government under Official Gazette by Notification dated 11th June, 2010, under sub section (1) and (3) of Section 3 of the Act. The Board shall consist of total seventeen Members including Chairperson and others. Promoting basic research in science and engineering and providing financial assistance to persons engaged in such research, academic institutions, research and development laboratories, industrial concerns and other agencies for such research and for matter connected therewith or incidental thereto are the basic and distinctive obligations of such Board.
Under the provisions of Section 4 of the Act, the Board appoints Secretary and such number of employees which it considered necessary for effective discharge of its functions provided under the Act. Similarly, the Board is also required to constitute Oversight Committee of experts under Section 5 of the Act, consisting of four members including Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson. Moreover, as per Section 6 of the Act, the Board may also appoint such committees, consisting of such number of members as it considered necessary for efficient discharge of its function assigned to it under the Act.
The Board has, many times, formulated certain schemes and provides for its implementation for the very similar aim and objective as aforementioned. The firm examples of said schemes implemented by Board are, ‘Empowerment and Equity Opportunities for Excellence in Science, Scheme’ and other like schemes. Board also gives special attention to young scientists to undertake independent research in newly emerging and frontier areas of science and engineering. The Board offers continuous support to outstanding Indian scientists with no age bar, by providing Ramanna Fellowships. That apart, the Board provides JC Bose National fellowship to scientists and engineers for their performances and contributions. Further the Board offers RAMANUJAN fellowship for brilliant scientists and engineers from all over the world to take up scientific research position in India. Special preferences given to such scientists and engineers, who are willing to return to India from foreign countries.
Section 7 of the Act provides for power and functions of the Board, which includes its serving as primary multidisciplinary research finding agency for planning, promoting and funding basic research in relevant emerging areas. Beside under the further provisions of the Act, the Board is responsible for accounts of funds constituted under title, ‘Funds for Science and Engineering Research’ and also the Board is responsible for furnishing returns under Section 15 of the Act.
The Central Government is empowered under Section 16 of the Act to issue directions to which the Board shall be bound to discharge its functions. Similarly, as per section 17 of the Act, the Central Government can supersede the Board in certain respects for prescribed period, viz, in case of grave emergencies or in case of any default committed by the Board in compliance of directions.
Similarly, Act empowers the Board for making rules and regulations for carrying on purpose of this Act and for discharging its functions provided under this Act.