UN’s Intervention sought by India on the action of Pak Court in releasing the 26/11- Mumbai Terror Attack mastermind, Lakhvi

United Nations : On the matter of releasing Zaki- ur Rehman Lakhvi who is Commander of LeT and mastermind behind Mumbai terror attach of 26/11, India sought the intervention from United Nations- UN on the ground raised by it that there is a violation of Global body’s norms and as such, said body must raise the matter with Pakistan country.

The permanent representative from India to the United Nations Organisation- UNO, Mr. Asoke Mukherjee communicated a letter to the present Chairperson of Sanctions’ Committee to UN, Mr. Jim McLay, and in the same letter it is mentioned that the releasing of Lakhvi by the Pakistani Court of Law was against the provisions of 1267 United Nations Resolution which is dealing with designated entities and individuals. The said Sanctions’ Committee is having permanent member- States i.e. 5 in numbers and also non- permanent member- States i.e. 10 in numbers from the United Nations.

Such sanctions measures are applicable to the designated entities and individuals who are connected with the terror groups like Al- Qaida  and LeT, irrespective of their location.

Also it is mentioned in the said letter by Mr. Mukherjee, that the amount of the bail provided for such releasing of Lakhvi was also contrary to the sanctions’ committee norms which calls for Funds and other financial assets freezing or even economic resources of designated individuals and entities.

In the Countries like United States, Washington, United Kingdom, Germany, France and Russia, the concerns regarding the releasing of Lakhvi were raised and they sought his re-arrest.

In relation to the Mumbai terror attack held in the month of November, 2008 where around 166 lives were taken to end, the Lakhvi, 55 along with other six, including Mazhar Iqbal, Abdul Wajid, H. A. Sadiq, S. J. Riaz, Jamil Ahmed and Younis Anjum were charged with an offence of planning for said attack and executing the same.

Said Lakhvi is also a close relative of Hafiz Saeed, the Founder of LeT and Chief of Jamaat-Ud Dawa- JuD. In the month of 2008, Lakhvi was arrested in connection with the said 26/11 attack case. His trial is being pending since 2009.  However, He was released by the Court of Pakistan on last month’s 9th day.

by Faim Khalilkhan Pathan.