What do you mean by Patent Office Journal?

What is the use of Patent Office Journal?

Owing to the recent amendment made in the Patents Act, 1970 by the Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005 which is effective from 01/01/2005, the Official Journal of The Patent Office is required to be published under the Statute. It is decided that Journal should be published on weekly basis i.e. on every Friday to publish various proceedings on Patents as per the provisions of Section 145 of the Patents Act 1970.  Public can make all the enquiries on this Official Journal and other information addressed to the Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks.

As stated above, Section 145 of the Act deals with the publication of official journal.  Section clearly stipulates that the Controller should publish periodically an official journal and states that such journal should contain such information required to be published by or under the provisions of this Act or any rule made thereunder. Office Journal provides the address of the Patent Offices and Jurisdictions and address including the contact numbers and emails of the all the Patent Offices located at different places across the Country.

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The Official Journal of the Patent Office will be published which contains all the activities of The Patent Office such as publication of all the patent applications after 18th months, grant of patents & all other information related to proceedings as required under the provisions of the Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005 and Rules thereunder on weekly basis on every Friday. The Journal is uploaded in the website every Friday and so Journal in the form of Paper form and CD-ROM are discontinued from 01/01/2009.

Any person can person may file representation by way of opposition to the Controller of Patents at the appropriate office by providing the details of the applications of the patent, against the grant of the patent in the manner stated under section 25(1) of the Patents (Amendment) Act 2005 r/w the rule 55 of The Patents (Amendment) Rules, 20o6.

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Adv. Anitha Gutti

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