What is the remedy if information is not obtained in a specific period under the RTI Act ?

Is there any specific term for obtaining information? What is the remedy if information is not obtained in a specific period?

Section 7explains the time limit for disposal of the request made by a person seeking information.  Under the said section, it is stated that Central Public Information Officer or State Public Information Officer, on receipt of a request, required to process the request as expeditiously as possible, within thirty days of the receipt of the request, and provide the information on payment of such fee as may be prescribed or reject the request for any reasons specified in sections 8 and 9.  If the information sought for concerns the life or liberty of a person, the same shall be provided within forty-eight hours of the receipt of the request. Section 7(2) states that if the Central Public Information Officer or State Public Information Officer, failed to give decision on the request for information within the period specified time, is deemed to have refused the request.

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As per section 7(6) of the Act, the person making request for the information should be provided the information free of charge where a public authority fails to comply with the time limits specified in subsection (1). If the request rejected the Central Public Information Officer or State Public Information Officer should communicate the reasons for such rejection; the period  within which time the appeal to be filed against such rejection; and the particulars of the appellate authority, to the person making the request.

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Section 19 deals with Appeals.  As per this Section, if any person who, does not receive a decision within the specified time as  stated in sub-section (/) or clause (a) of sub-section (3) of section 7, or is aggrieved by a decision of the Central Public Information Officer or State Public Information Officer, may prefer an appeal to such officer who is senior in rank to the Central Public Information Officer or State Public Information Officer, in each public authority, within thirty days from the expiry of such period or from the receipt of such a decision

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Adv. Anitha Gutti

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