New Delhi: In the Joint conference of Chief Ministers and Chief Justices of High Courts held at Delhi, the Present Prime Minister of the Country, Narendra Modi addressed the audience in the inauguration function.
The idea behind such forum, as was stated by PM, Modi, is for increasing transparency and strengthening the nation, by strengthening the concerned organs thereof.
There have be raised, many time, a concern about anti-corruption, however, no one found able to give proper and effective solution, as per PM, Modi.
He appreciate the work of persons engaged in ‘law and order industry’ as they are doing divine work, which is the work God requires one to do. Further, he said, these people having many responsibilities as they are the one whom others look up to. He shown our luckiness to have such manpower in the law and order wing of the nation.
In future, the quality manpower in the law and order filed will be seen, as per PM, Modi. The Judiciary must be powerful and perfect one and If it is the national requirement to have perfect or powerful judiciary, we need to ask, he said.
PM, Modi, pointed in his speech that, bringing technology as quickly as possible in the filed of judiciary will lead to easier qualitative change in it.
Further, by pointing the availability of major bulk of law, he state that now there is trend adopted by law making agencies to enact new laws, even though ‘we have enough laws’. He said, ministers are elected to go to the Parliament for providing effective laws, however, the working time at the Parliament is how being wasted, he pointed by saying “you all know what happens in the Parliament”.
Moreover, in his speech, PM Modi, specifically stated that there is a committee set by him, for recommending the laws to be repealed.
Prime Minster, Narendra Modi, seen talking about qualitative development in law and justice organ of the State. He asked the new generations to come forward and take part in it and provide the work of quality.
By Faim Khalilkhan Pathan