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Gujarat High Court allows 18- years- old rape victim to terminate her 24- weeks old foetus

Ahmadabad: Yesterday, i.e. Monday, 22nd February, the High Court of Gujarat has allowed the rape victim to abort her foetus which is 24- week- old, considering that fact that if the pregnancy continued they it may result in a grave injury to her mental health.

The honourable High Court’s Justice- Sonia Gokani made this order where in the case of 18- years- old rape victim. Moreover, for admitting the plea sought by this girl- victim of rape, Justice- Sonia Gokani considered the opinion of expert of doctors.

The Justice- Sonia Gokani was consider the plea sought by that girl- victim, where it was found pleaded that she was raped by a youth, last year at her village in the Junagadh district. However, she later consumed acid for committing suicide due to her state of mind which was not allowing her to bear the trauma after the incident. The plea was preferred before the honourable High Court on 17th February, this year.

As such, the victim of rape- the girl had requested honourable High Court, to allow her for termination of her pregnancy. Moreover, it was also pleaded that, though she survived of the suicide bid, but the acid has caused damage to her internal organs as a result of which she is now unable to consume anything. And also found stating in her plea that she is being fed with a pipe which is directly placed into her stomach.

It was also notable that in the year 2015 (last year), the honourable Supreme Court of India has also opened the window of hope for the 14- year- old rape victim by allowing her for the termination of her pregnancy after 24 weeks, while there was a law allowing abortion only up to 20 weeks.

Moreover, the Court in the present case, has also directed the Police officials to collect the tissues of the foetus and send them to the Forensic Science Laboratory for DNA test, as the alleged pregnancy is the result of alleged rape. The accused in the case is seen already arrested and kept in custody in Jail.