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U.S. Supreme Court took turns tearing into controversial anti-abortion law

Washington: On Wednesday, i.e. on 2nd day of March, the four Liberal Justices (from United States) spent an intense hour sparring over the fate of what may consider the strictest abortion law in the nation.

It was seen in the most closely watched abortion rights case to come before the US Supreme Court in nearly two decades. House Bill 2 is the concerns in the case, which is the restriction passed in the year 2013 in Texas. And this being regarded by many as the toughest in the nation. However, as per the legislature, which has justified the law as necessary health measure, however, the major medical groups like American Medical Association have questioned that is it really makes abortion any safer?.

The Four liberal Justices of the Court seemed particularly favouring the side of the providers.

Defending the law and answering the questions relating to the need of such law in Texas, the Solicitor General for the State of Texas- Scott Keller fight the battle and struggled very hard while arguing the matter.

Thus, the concerned bill is most hotly contested abortion restriction in the country. Thus, it would in future to have broad implications on the access of abortion and anti- abortion movement across the United State. However, it was seen that the law was struck down by the District Judge based on the fact that there was little medical evidence for justifying the burden which it placed on Texas women. Moreover, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals have set up a three- judge panel, and the decision was later reversed which required the abortion rights providers to appeal in Washington.

Also, it was seen in the matter that the Texas Solicitor was asked by the Justice- Stephen Breyer to describe the nature of problem with the abortion which the Texas is trying to show as correct.

Thus, the Four liberal Justices in the Court are showing that they belief the law, which is imposing the strict regulations on the abortion doctors and clinic buildings, is infringing the Constitutional rights of women to end a pregnancy established in the ruling of 1973

Adv. Faim Khalilkhan Pathan