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Supreme Court to hear review petition on Transgender issue: Clarification on SC’s Judgment sought

New Delhi: Seeking clarity on the issues arising out of judgement of the year 2014 pertaining to the rights and status of Transgenders, the Central Govt. has filed the review petition before the honourable Supreme Court of India. Now, the Apex court has taken this matter and posted for hearing today.

As per the Social Justice and Empowerment Minister- Thaawarchand Gehlot, who stated yesterday, that the Apex Court decision of recognising the transgenders as the third gender and their right to declare themselves either male or female, is creating some difficulty for those who are making thir identity cards, as per his statements. As such, the present review petition is filed before the Apex court to claim the clarity on this issue.

The decision of the Apex Court on the rights of transgenders, was brought by it in the year 2014 (April).

Moreover, as per the said Minister, the issue of transgender persons who belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes community have flagged issue, that they being given the status of OBC, saying that they are unable to access the benefits, which they were having rights as Scheduled Casts and Scheduled Tribes.

Thus, such issues are now brought before the Apex Court seeking clarifications, so that there could be better implementation of the directives, as said by the afore named Minister.

Moreover, as per his further comments on the issue of transgenders right, Minister- Gehlot said the Draft Rights of Transgender Persons Bill, 2015 is about to finalize and they will try soon to place the Bill in the Parliament during the ongoing session. It was seen in the year 2014 (April) that the honourable Supreme Court of India vide its judgement on the issue of transgender people’s right, paved the way for lakhs of such people to join the mainstream.

The people from Transgender community were demanding the equal status and equal treatment with males and females and as such considering their demand, the Apex Court had directed the Central Govt. and State Governments to treat such transgender people as Socially and Educationally backward classes, and as such they was ordered to be granted reservation in education institution and for appointment in the Public Sector Undertakings.

Adv. Faim Khalilkhan Pathan