Jodhpur: In connection with the ‘Blackbuck poaching case’, the bollywood actor- Salman Khan was ordered by the Jodhpur Court to appear on 10th day of March. Salman Khan was summoned in connection with the seventeen years old Trial in Arms Act case for recording his statement.
The Jodhpur court’s chief judicial magistrate have summoned bollywood actor, and pursuant to which, his statements will be recorded and thereafter the case may be taken for final argument. However, notably the statements of this concerned bollywood actor had been recorded, earlier, in the court of Chief Judicial Magistrate (Rural).
It was on the basis of plea and contentions of Salman Khan that he was innocent in the matter, he sought, earlier, permission for re-summoning the Five witnesses in the case, and now after examinations of such witnesses, the Court is requiring his examinations. As such the bollywood actor is summoned to appear before the court of Chief Judicial Magistrate, next Thursday.
It was case, where this concerned bollywood actor and his co-stars was charged and made accused of hunting Three ‘Chinkaras’ and a ‘Blackbuck’ while their shooting in Jodhpur, near Kankani for the movie- Hum Saath Saath Hain. It was the incident happened on 1- 2 day of October, 1998.
Moreover, the accused- bollywood star- Salman was also separately booked by the Forest Department in the separate case of not renewing the licenses of the revolver and a rifle, under Arms Act, which he possessed while shooting and hunting.
Recently, on the 19th day of February, this year the Bollywood actor- Salman was noticed by the honourable Apex Court in connection with the plea sought by the Maharashtra Govt. against his acquittal by the High Court, in his 2002’s Hit and run case.
Thus, taking note of these two serious matters, the bollywood actor- Salman is still found in controversies and his difficulties can be seen, not yet overcome by him.
The present step in the case is taken, after re- examinations of the five prosecution witnesses, when a defence had moved with fresh application to recall the then District Magistrate Rajat Kumar Mishra, the Court of magistrate Dalpat Singh Rajpurohit, rejected this application and now summoned Salman.