The Buland Iraade organizes Workshop on Positive Power from April 19 to 20 at Himachal Pradesh which is based on gender justice and sexuality. The participants can register from March 6, 2016 through online mode. The workshop will be conducted at Sambhaavnaa Campus, Palampur, Himachal Pradesh. The fundamental aim of the workshop is to have a progressive understanding regarding, power, gender and sexuality. It also aims to scrutinize these subjects in the light of constitutional provisions and rights available to the citizens. The workshop also analyses the role of individuals in the social transformation. The workshop will also consider the meaning of gender and gender based violence. It will also look into the basic constitutional rights available to women and the effect of violation of these rights. The workshop will examine the following questions:
- What is gender? How does it relate to me and the world around me?
- What is gender-based violence? How does this violence affect us?
- Is power always negative? Can it be used positively?
- What do these concepts have to do with our constitutional rights?
- How do we understand the all-pervasive structures of oppression we see around us?
- Can we re-imagine new collaborative systems?
The delegates will make use of different methods to analyze the themes like games, exercises, interactive sessions, individual opinions, theatre etc in addition to other creative methods to express oneself. Dhiviya and Nandini Rao will be the facilitators to represent the women’s movements in India. They are social workers for acting for the empowerment of women. They are also gender trainers who can better understand the issues faced by women and the rights available to these groups. The facilitators will use different tools to make the workshop interesting and purposeful. The participants will also get the opportunity to express their views on different themes and can raise questions and suggest remedies wherever necessary.
The workshop is open to all interested persons who are above the age of 16 years. No category of persons are excluded from participation. The registration fee shall be Rs 4000 for four days of workshop. The registration fee includes boarding, accommodation and workshop kit. The lodging will be arranged by the organizers. There are few slots for scholarships available which will be granted to eligible participants based on the need. Other details of the workshop are provided in the website. The language used in the workshop will be English and Hindi.
For Application Form : Click Here
Sambhaavnaa Institute
VPO Kamled, Kandwari
Palampur, Dist Kangra, Himachal Pradesh 176061 India
For more details contact:
Phone: +91-889 422 7954
Email: Logistics : Sambhaavnaa Institute at VPO Kandbari, tehsil Palampur, District Kangra, PIN 176061