What are the formalities to be complied with when filing consumer complaint?
As a consumer, you can file your complaint before Consumer Forum. I f you are aware of the proceedings and able to redress your grievance to the Forum, you no need to engage lawyer.
You can file the written complaint containing all the particulars as mandated in the Act could be filed on your own with the documentary proof. Act was enacted to protect the rights of the consumer as well as to provide a simple procedure in a consumer-friendly form, by removing all the legal formalities for filing the complaint as we see in the Civil Courts, and also assured a speedy and time-bound proceedings. The complaint must have particulars such as name, description, and address of complainant and Opposite Parties, brief facts of the case explaining the cause of action and the relief you are supposed to seek from the Forum against the opposite parties. When you opt to file a complaint, you should do that promptly and make sure that you are filing the complaint within time limit prescribed under Act. As per Act, limitation period for filing complaint under Act is 2 years from the date of cause of action that has arisen. If it goes beyond 2 years, then sufficient reason should be stated in the Compliant for the delay. Also, the Complaint should be signed by the Complaint before filing. As per section 2(1) (b) of the Consumer Protection Act, the complainant can be either a consumer, or any registered voluntary consumer association registered, one or more consumers or State Government or Central Government. According to the pecuniary limits, need to ensure whether the complaint can file before District Forum, State Commission or National Commission. When it comes under District Forum, the Complainant required to see which District Forum can have the jurisdiction to entertain the Complaint based on the location of Opposite Party’s residence or business place or where the cause of action partly or wholly taken place. Upon finding out the appropriate consumer forum, the Complainant can present the Complaint to the District Forum directly or can send through post to the District Forum.
by Adv. Anitha Gutti.