The Faculty of Law, Delhi University has decided to conduct an International Conference on Global Legal Education, Intellectual Property Laws and Development, Social Change and Economic Laws at Faculty of Law, Delhi University and Law Centre-I from March 11 to 13, 2016. The major themes of the conference will be Global Legal Education, Best Practices in Law Research and Teaching, International Intellectual Property Laws and Competition and Economic Laws, Intellectual Property Rights and Cyber Laws and Law, Development and Social Change. The sub themes under each head are mentioned below:
1. Global Legal Education, Best Practices in Law Research and Teaching
- Development of Globally Relevant Curriculum for Law Schools: studying national laws
- International cooperation in curriculum development to study national laws
- Identifying new needs for Masters and Research students in Law
- Topics of Seminal Legal Importance: Traditional, Contemporary or Futuristic
- Comparative Constitutionalism: Public Law and Development
2. International Intellectual Property Laws and Competition and Economic Laws
- New Silk Road Law School Alliance initiatives
- Mechanism for Exchange programmes (teachers & Students) : Finances & facilities
- Topics of Seminal Legal Importance
- Patent law & lawyers -Opportunities
3. Intellectual Property Rights and Cyber Laws
- Global Contentious issues on IPRs and Competition Law: Cyber Laws
- International v. national Play at Borders: Exhaustion: Parallel Goods
- Abuse of IP v. Enforcement: Spare parts
- Patents: Making Innovation and Technology useful to Mankind
- Traditional Knowledge and Trade Secrets
- Geographic Indications: protection & extension of TRIPS to new items
- Bulging Seams of Copyright: Surge of Public Interest
- Interface of Copyright, Designs, Trade Marks and Patents
- Development Finance: Poverty Alleviation
4. International Conference on Law, Development and Social Change
- Law and Inequalities: Global and Local
- Law, Society and Women
- Access to Justice-the Challenges
- Law and Development – Social, Economic, Political
- Globalization, Social Change and law
- Innovative Legal Policy & Development Scenarios
- Human Rights and Social Justice and new Challenges
- OBOR and Entrepreneurship in NSRLSA countries
- Law and Development – Women and Child
- Law and Environmental Protection Challenges
- Regional Blocks and Integration
The organizers invite papers based on any of the above mentioned themes. It is not compulsory for the participants to present paper. The interested participants shall submit their abstracts of the papers on or before February 20, 2016. The full papers are to be submitted before February 27, 2016. The organizers will intimate to the participants regarding the acceptance of abstract within three working days. The abstracts shall be limited to 300 words. The abstracts shall contain title of the paper and brief description of the presenter. The presenters will get nearly 15 minutes to present the paper. Certificate of presentation will be given only to the papers presented at the time of conference. The full paper should not exceed 6000 words including the footnotes. The full paper should indicate in the cover paper the title of the author, name of the presenter, university, title of the paper and email ID. The guidelines for submission of papers provided are only for the participants whose abstracts are accepted. Details of accommodations shall be released only after confirmation of the participants.
Important dates:
Submission of abstracts: 20th February,2016
Submission of full paper: 27th February,2016
Last date for Registration: 5th March,2016
Date of conference: 11th to 13th March 2016
Full Papers to be sent and
For Brochure: Click here
For more details contact:
Ms. Nancy Dhunna Email: Ph: 9718898040 Ms. Monica Negi Email: Ph: 9871226916